Introduction to Malachi


The book of Malachi is named for its author, Malachi. Malachi means “my messenger.”


Malachi, who received the oracle from the Lord to Israel (v. 1).


Prophecy (twelfth of twelve books commonly referred to as the “Minor Prophets”).

Literary Form

Prophetic prose. Malachi uses an unusual literary form known as “disputational.” He introduces a charge or command to the people, then characterizes the people disputing the charge, and concludes by proving the charge correct. He uses this technique in five of the six oracles he delivers (did not use it in message #3).

  • Oracle 1. God’s love for Israel.
  • Oracle 2. Disrespect God.
  • Oracle 3. Unfaithful to God.
  • Oracle 4. Speak and act as though there is no God.
  • Oracle 5. Disobedient to God.
  • Oracle 6. Blasphemy against God.

Time Frame

While Malachi does not date the book, he does provide some clues in his writing that allow us to date his ministry sometime after 538 B.C. because Malachi refers to a Persian governor (Malachi 1:8). It would also have been written after the temple was rebuilt (515 B.C.)  and before 430 B.C. (Nehemiah’s second term as governor).

Many scholars believe the book was likely written sometime between 450-430 B.C. because:

  1. Malachi mentioned the priests, so the temple had to have been rebuilt, and the sacrificial system re-established.
  2. The moral and spiritual climate was similar to what Ezra described in 458 B.C., and Nehemiah in 444 B.C.


The emphasis of Malachi’s book is on God’s message to the people (God is speaking is 47 of the 55 verses of the book). If the people expect to receive the blessings God has promised they must remain faithful to Him (covenant faithfulness will produce covenant blessing). There are four primary sections: 1) Malachi points out the nation’s sins, 2) God provides instruction for sincere worship, 3) Justice in the form of judgment will occur if they are disobedient, and 4) There will be a day of salvation and blessing in the future for those who are faithful.


  1. The Lord’s love for Israel (1:1-1:6)
  2. The disobedience of the priests (1:6-2:9)
  3. The disobedience of the people (2:10-2:16)
  4. The judgment when the Lord returns (2:17-3:6)
  5. The sins of the people (3:7-12)
  6. The coming of the Day of the Lord (3:13-4:3)
  7. Conclusion (4:4-4:6)

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