Lesson 2:
The Structure of the Book of Psalms

Lesson Summary: Introduction to the Book of Psalms

How is the book of Psalms structured?

o The Book of Psalms is divided into 5 sections or books:

o Book 1: Psalms 1-41.

o Book 2: Psalms 42-72.

o Book 3: Psalms 73-89.

o Book 4: Psalms 90-106.

o Book 5: Psalms 107-150

o Each book ends with a doxology; a hymn or praise to God. 

Why is the book of Psalms divided into five books?

o There is no way to know for sure why the Psalms are arranged in the order they are in or why the books are divided the way they are. Theories:

o Parallel to the Pentateuch (the 5 books of Moses).

o Advanced by ancient Jewish scholars who said Moses gave them the first five books of the Law and David gave them the 5 books of Psalms.

§ Book 1 = Genesis. The focus is on man.

§ Book 2 – Exodus. The focus is on redemption.

§ Book 3 = Leviticus. The focus is on worship.

§ Book 4 – Numbers. The focus is on wandering.

§ Book 5 = Deuteronomy. The focus is on thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness.

o Primary authorship (Davidic verses non-Davidic)

o Book 1: 38 of 41 are Davidic

o Book 2: 18 of 31 are Davidic, 8 of 31 are Sons of Korah

o Book 3: 8 of 17 are of Asaph

o Book 4: 2 of 17 are Davidic

o Book 5: 8 of 44 are Davidic

o Use of “Yahweh” versus “Elohim”

o Book 1: Yahweh dominates

o Book 2: Elohim dominates

o Book 3: Elohim dominates

o Book 4: Yahweh only is used

o Book 5: Yahweh dominates

o Functional Themes

o The Psalms were assigned to be read during various holy days.

§ Book 1: Passover – the redemption of the people of Israel from Egypt.

§ Book 2: Pentecost – the beginning of the nation of Israel at Mount Sinai.

§ Book 3: 10th of Ab (anniversary of the destruction of the temple by Nebuchadnezzar). The focus of the psalms of Book 3 is on the Temple.

§ Book 4. Feast of Tabernacles. The focus of the psalms in Book 4 is on the Millennial Kingdom.

§ Book 5: Feast of Purim – the redemption of the nation of Judah. The focus of the psalms in Book 5 is on the salvation of the people of Israel.

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