Lesson 4:
What Can We Learn and Experience From Reading the Psalms?
Lesson Summary: What Can We Learn from Reading the Psalms?
The Psalms give us knowledge.
o We read to learn. If you want to learn to be a photographer you read a book called “Photography for Dummies.”
o We read the Psalms to know God better and understand Him more deeply.
The Psalms reflect human emotions.
o Psalms are full of emotion. We have entire genres of Psalms based on their emotion: praise, lament, and confidence.
o Additional emotions present in the psalms include reverence, shame, sadness, anger, and doubt.
o Reverence (example 8:1)
o Shame (example 44:15)
o Sadness (example 6:6-7)
o Anger (example 5:10)
o Doubt (example 14:1)
The Psalms Direct our Wills
o Many of the Psalms instruct us how we should behave.
o There are three broad categories of these instructional psalms.
o Wisdom. Wisdom psalms typically contrast righteous behavior with the wicked (example 32:1).
o By Command. Some psalms of worship command certain behaviors (example 103:1-2).
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