January 30


Exodus 38-39

By Ron

January 30, 2025

Exodus, Gen-Rev

What I Noticed Today (Exodus 38-39)

Exodus 38-39

Chapters 38-39 record the details of the construction of the altar for burnt offerings, the bronze basin, an account of the materials used in the construction of the tabernacle, and the making of the priestly garments.

Exodus 38

Note: Exodus 38:1-20 and Exodus 27:9-19 are similar. Exodus 27 is God giving the instructions to Moses, while Exodus 38 is the actual construction of the items.

In verses 1-8, the construction of the Altar of Burnt Offering is described:

  • Bezalel constructed the Altar of Burnt Offering of acacia wood according to the specifications given by Moses and overlaid it with bronze.
  • He also made the utensils of bronze: the shovels, basins, meat forks, and firepans.

In verse 8, the construction of the bronze basin is described:

  • Bezalel made the bronze washbasin and its stand.

In verses 9-20, the construction of the tabernacle courtyard is described:

  • Bezalel made the courtyard: its hanging curtains of linen with their hooks and bases.

In verses 21-31, and accounting of the inventory of materials for the construction of the tabernacle are provided:

  • Moses ordered an inventory of all the materials offered for the construction of the tabernacle and its furnishings.
  • Levites completed the inventory under the direction of Ithamar, the son of Aaron.
  • Bezalel and Oholiab directed the construction of everything the Lord commanded.
  • 2,193 pounds of gold and 7,544 pounds of silver, and 5,310 pounds of bronze were used in the construction of the tabernacle and its furnishings.

Note: Exodus 38:8 mentions that the bronze basin was made from the mirrors of the women who served at the entrance of the tent of meeting. There were no glass mirrors in those days; the mirrors were typically made from polished bronze. I think it is interesting that women were serving at the entrance to the tent of meeting. There is no other mention of these women and their service, but it strikes me that serving right outside the tent where God met Moses would have been a great honor!

Exodus 39

Note: Exodus 39 and Exodus 28 are similar. Exodus 28 is God giving the instructions to Moses, while Exodus 39 is the actual construction of the items.

Note: Starting in chapter 39 that every paragraph where something was completed ends with the phrase “as the Lord had commanded Moses.” This phrase occurs seven times, denoting the completion of an article of the priestly garments.

Note: Four times, the word “commanded” is used at the end of chapters 38 & 39 in reference to the work of building had been completed. Looking back at chapters 35-36, the word “commanded” is used six times as the people gather the materials required for the construction of the tabernacle.

In verse 1, the priest’s holy garments for use in ministering before the Lord were made just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

In verses 2-7, the making of the ephod is described:

  • Bezalel made the ephod of fine linen embroidered with gold thread.
  • Onyx stones were mounted in gold settings to the ephod.

In verses 8-21, the making of the breastpiece is described:

  • Bezalel made the breastpiece of fine linen and mounted four rows of gemstones corresponding to the 12 tribes of Israel.
  • Braided chains and cords were made and attached to the breastpiece, just as Moses had instructed.

In verses 22-26, the making of the robe is described:

  • The robe was made of woven yarn with a collar.
  • Pomegranates of yarn and gold bells were attached to the hem of the robe, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

In verses 27-29, the making of other priestly garments is described:

  • The tunics for Aaron and his sons were made of linen, along with turbans and headbands, undergarments, and sashes just as the Lord had commanded.

In verses 30-31, the making of the Holy Diadem is described:

  • A medallion, the Holy Diadem, was made of pure gold and engraved with “Holy to the Lord.”
  • It was then attached with yarn to Aaron’s turban, just as the Lord commanded.

In verses 32-43, Moses inspects all the furnishings and garments that were made and blessed them:

  • When all the work had been completed, “as the Lord commanded,” it was brought before Moses, who inspected it to be sure that they had followed God’s instructions exactly, and he blessed all the people of Israel.

Some thoughts for additional consideration:

  • The people had not done an especially good job of following God’s instructions in the past. Still, with regards to the construction of the tabernacle and its furnishing, they followed God’s instructions to the letter. God had gifted them with skills, they used their skills as God intended, and the result was a blessing.
  • Perhaps we would see more of God’s blessings in our lives if we would follow God’s instructions so closely and use the gifts He has given us the way He intended!

What did you notice in your study today? Feel free to visit the website and leave a question or a comment.

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Exodus 40

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