November 3


2015 Reader Survey

By Ron

November 3, 2015

2015, Feebdback, Opinion, Reader Survey

Technology has not been my friend this week! Has that every happened to you? I sent two invitations to complete our 2015 Reader Survey and both times the embedded survey was stripped from the message. So now I am going old school and including a simple link to the survey. Please click this link to complete the survey: I need your advice to serve you better! Whether you are brand new to the Bible Study Daily community, a casual reader, or a long time subscriber I want your input. Bible Study Daily is almost a year old and as I begin to think about the study for the next year I want to design it in a way that will best serve you and enable you to grow spiritually. Would you answer a short survey for me? Really, its only a few questions and will take 3-4 minutes tops! (I promise) Here's that survey link again: Thanks!, Ron  

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