January 31


Day 31: Acts 2-4

By Ron

January 31, 2025

90-Days, Acts, New Testament

The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost - Acts 2:1-13

Understand It

  • When the Holy Spirit filled the believers, what did they do? (2:4)
  • How did the God-fearing Jews visiting Jerusalem react when they heard Christians speaking their languages? (2:6-11)
  • Besides being amazed, how did the crowd react to the unusual happening they witnessed? (2:12-13)

Apply It

  • How can you be more open to seeing, hearing, and feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit in your prayer and Bible reading?

Peter Addresses the Crowd - Acts 2:14-41

Understand It

  • What did Peter say about Jesus of Nazareth? (2:22-24)
  • How did Peter explain Christ’s work as Messiah? (2:25-35)
  • How did the hearers respond to Peter’s words? (2:37)

Apply It

  • How can you prepare your friends and neighbors for the news that Christ can change their lives?

The Fellowship of the Believers - Acts 2:42-47

Understand It

  • What were the activities of the early church? (2:42)
  • What unusual deeds did the apostles do? (2:43)
  • How did people respond to what was going on? (2:43)

Apply It

  • What can you do to help your church be more like the early church?

Peter Heals the Crippled Beggar - Acts 3:1-10

Understand It

  • Why did the crippled man spend every day at the gate called Beautiful? (3:2)
  • What did the beggar do when he saw Peter and John approaching? (3:3)
  • What did Peter say to the beggar? (3:4-6)

Apply It

  • How can you be prepared to help a person in need this week?

Peter Speaks to the Onlookers - Acts 3:11-26

Understand It

  • How did Peter set the scene to speak out against the actions of those who crucified Jesus? (3:13-15)
  • What did Peter tell his audience to do in order to be forgiven of their sins? (3:19)
  • How did Peter offer hope to his audience in spite of his warnings? (3:24-26)

Apply It

  • How can you be bold in encouraging others to come to Christ?

Peter and John Before the Sanhedrin - Acts 4:1-22

Understand It

  • How did the authorities respond to Peter and John? (4:13-14)
  • After the Sanhedrin consulted together, what action did they take against the apostles? (4:15-17)
  • What was the apostles’ reply to the judgment handed down by the council? (4:18-20)

Apply It

  • In what way could you strengthen your sense of courage about being a Christian in your place of work, neighborhood, or family?

The Believers' Prayer - Acts 4:23-31

Understand It

  • Where did Peter and John go after they were released by the Sanhedrin? (4:23)
  • How did the believers respond to the apostles’ report? (4:24)
  • What did the Christians ask God to do? (4:29-30)

Apply It

  • What changes can you make in your personal prayer life today?

The Believers Share Their Possessions - Acts 4:32-37

Understand It

  • What attitude did the believers have toward one another? (4:32)
  • What did some better-off Christians do from time to time? (4:34-35)
  • What was exemplary about Barnabas? (4:36-37)

Apply It

  • What can you do to show Christian generosity to someone in need this week?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Acts 5-7

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