January 8


New Testament in a Year – Matthew 6

By Ron

January 8, 2025

Matthew, New Testament

Giving to the Needy (Matthew 6:1-4)

Understand It

  • What kind of acts was Jesus discussing? (6:1)
  • What specific motives did Jesus warn against? (6:1)
  • What happens to the person who operates with impure motives? (6:1)
  • Who can judge whether a person’s actions are pure? (6:1)
  • How did some individuals in Jesus’ day publicize their generosity? (6:2)
  • What name did Jesus give to insincere individuals? Why? (6:2)
  • Where did people advertise their "acts of righteousness"? (6:2)
  • What deep-seated desire prompted some people to give? (6:2)
  • What future reward can showy givers expect? (6:2)
  • What style of giving did Jesus command us to adopt? (6:3-4)
  • Who notices when we give according to Jesus’ guidelines? (6:4)
  • What happens to those who give as Jesus told us to give? (6:4)

Apply It

  • What anonymous gift can you give today?
  • What steps could you take to ensure that your giving is not done for show?

Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)

Understand It

  • According to Jesus, what wrong motivation prompts some individuals to pray? (6:5)
  • What name did Jesus call people who pray for show? Why? (6:5)
  • Where do hypocrites prefer to do their praying? (6:5)
  • What type of reward will religious showmanship bring? (6:5)
  • How did Jesus command His followers to pray? (6:6)
  • Where did Jesus suggest we talk to God? (6:6)
  • What type of reward will humility in prayer bring? (6:6)
  • What did Jesus have to say about repetitive or long, windy prayers? (6:7)
  • What insights or facts about God are revealed in this passage? (6:6, 8, 9)
  • To whom did Jesus tell us to pray? (6:9)
  • What should be our attitude toward God? (6:9)
  • What should be our attitude toward God’s kingdom and will? (6:10)
  • What should be our attitude toward life’s necessities? (6:11)
  • What should be our attitude toward those who have wronged us? (6:12)
  • What should be our attitude toward temptation? (6:13)
  • Why is it crucial for us to forgive those who wrong us? (6:14-15)

Apply It

  • What changes do you need to make in your prayer life?
  • What strained relationship will you seek to repair this week by forgiving an offense?

Fasting (Matthew 6:16-18)

Understand It

  • What mood did certain individuals in Jesus’ day assume when they fasted? (6:16)
  • What facial expressions did some people wear? Why? (6:16)
  • Why did some people take on gloomy expressions when they fasted? (6:16)
  • What harsh name did Jesus give to people who made a public show of their fasting? Why? (6:16)
  • According to Jesus, what rewards await people who show off their fasting? (6:16)
  • What repeated phrase in this passage suggests that fasting is not an option? (6:16, 17)
  • How should a person conceal the fact of his or her fasting? (6:17)
  • Who should know about an individual’s fasts? Why? (6:18)
  • Who alone can see what people do in secret? How? (6:18)
  • Why are believers to be secretive about fasting? (6:18)

Apply It

  • For what reason could you fast this week?
  • What steps can you take to devote your spiritual disciplines to God alone?
  • What specific steps could you take this week in order to gain a better understanding of fasting?

Treasures in Heaven (Matthew 6:19-24)

Understand It

  • Where did Jesus urge His followers not to "store up treasures"? Why? (6:19)
  • Why did Jesus discourage stockpiling things? (6:19)
  • What can happen to a person’s material possessions? (6:19)
  • Where did Jesus encourage us to invest our wealth? Why? (6:20)
  • Why is heaven a better place to "bank" than earth? (6:20)
  • What does the location of a person’s treasure say about that person? (6:21)
  • What is described as the "lamp of the body"? How is this so? (6:22)
  • What is the result of "good eyes"? (6:22)
  • When will people’s lives be full of darkness? (6:23)
  • What did Jesus say about serving two masters? (6:24)
  • Why did Jesus say we cannot serve two masters? (6:24)
  • What two masters did Jesus mention in this context? Why? (6:24)

Apply It

  • How could you make an investment in eternity today?
  • What committed Christian friends could help you evaluate your use of money in the next month?

Do Not Worry (Matthew 6:25-34)

Understand It

  • What three worries did Jesus discourage among His followers? Why? (6:25)
  • Why is food a trivial matter? (6:26)
  • According to Jesus, how do clothes stack up as a subject of great concern? (6:26)
  • What creatures did Jesus use to illustrate God’s reliability as a provider? Why? (6:26)
  • Why are God’s creatures consistently "fed and clothed"? (6:26)
  • Why should we take great comfort from the way the animal and plant kingdoms operate? (6:26)
  • What benefits does worry bring? (6:27)
  • What fact from nature did Jesus use to illustrate the folly of worrying over clothes? (6:28)
  • How did Solomon’s wardrobe measure up to the beauty of nature? (6:29)
  • What comfort can followers of Christ find in the beauty of nature? (6:30)
  • Who is consumed by concern over food, water, and clothing? (6:32)
  • What priorities should we have in life? (6:33)
  • What does God do for His children when they keep the right perspective, refuse to worry, and trust Him? (6:33)
  • Why is it silly to fret over the future? (6:34)

Apply It

  • What worry will you entrust to God today?
  • What steps can you take today to change your priorities from worldly ones to kingdom ones?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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