Lord of the Sabbath - Mark 2:23-3:6
Understand It
- What is the setting of the story, and why is it significant? (2:23)
- What did the disciples do that outraged the Pharisees? (2:24)
- Why did the Pharisees confront Jesus about the actions of His disciples? (2:24)
- What was Jesus’ response to the Pharisees’ charges? (2:25-27)
- According to Jesus, why were the disciples of both David and Jesus justified in breaking the Sabbath? (2:25-27)
- Why did Jesus say He was "Lord even of the Sabbath"? (2:28)
- What happened after the confrontation between Jesus and the Pharisees? (3:1)
- Why were some of the Pharisees watching Jesus so closely? (3:2)
- What was notable about the way Jesus performed this miracle? (3:3)
- To whom did Jesus address a provocative question about "the Sabbath"? (3:4)
- What was it about the Pharisees that so distressed Jesus? (3:5)
- What significance do you see in the fact that the Pharisees were willing to plot with their enemies, the Herodians, to kill Jesus? (3:6)
- What do Jesus’ actions in this story tell you about His concerns? (2:23-3:6)
Apply It
- In what settings are you able to "do good and save life"? How?
- What can you do this week to reflect God’s design for the Sabbath?
- What can you use as a reminder to guard against a concern only for the letter of the law?
Crowds Follow Jesus - Mark 3:7-12
Understand It
- What is the setting of this story? (3:7)
- Why did Jesus want to leave? (3:7)
- Why did such large crowds follow Jesus? (3:7-8)
- Where did the crowds come from? (3:7-8)
- What was unusual about the crowds that came to see Jesus? (3:7-8)
- Why were the crowds so interested in following Jesus? (3:7-12)
- What do the details of this story tell us about Jesus’ popularity? (3:7-12)
- What do the details of this story tell us about Jesus’ priorities? (3:7-12)
- What did Jesus tell His disciples to get? Why? (3:9)
- What had been happening among the crowd that day? (3:10)
- How were the crowds approaching Jesus with their needs? (3:10)
- How did the evil spirits respond to Jesus when they saw Him? Why? (3:11)
- What warning did Jesus issue? (3:12)
Apply It
- What physical, emotional, or other hurt will you ask God to heal?
- What need can you bring to Jesus? How could you do so?
- What concrete action can you take this week in imitation of Jesus’ priority of helping people?
The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles - Mark 3:13-19
Understand It
- What is the setting of this story? (3:13)
- How did the apostles respond to Jesus’ call? (3:13)
- Why did Jesus choose His disciples? (3:14)
- What did Jesus want His apostles to do with their time? (3:14-15)
- What did Jesus expect of the men He designated apostles? (3:14-15)
- Who would send out the apostles and give them authority to drive out demons? (3:14-15)
- What sort of declaration was Jesus making to His enemies by choosing and commissioning the Twelve? (3:14-15)
- What did Jesus do with some of His followers and not others? (3:16-19)
- What unusual men did Jesus choose? (3:16-19)
- What was unusual about some of the men Jesus chose? (3:16-19)
Apply It
- What would be your first step toward learning from a more mature believer in your church?
- In what ways can you depend on others to carry the weight of God’s work at this time in your life?
- What specific steps can you take this week to help one other person use in God’s service a skill that God has given him or her?
The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles - Mark 3:13-19
Understand It
- What is the setting of this story? (3:13)
- How did the apostles respond to Jesus’ call? (3:13)
- Why did Jesus choose His disciples? (3:14)
- What did Jesus want His apostles to do with their time? (3:14-15)
- What did Jesus expect of the men He designated apostles? (3:14-15)
- Who would send out the apostles and give them authority to drive out demons? (3:14-15)
- What sort of declaration was Jesus making to His enemies by choosing and commissioning the Twelve? (3:14-15)
- What did Jesus do with some of His followers and not others? (3:16-19)
- What unusual men did Jesus choose? (3:16-19)
- What was unusual about some of the men Jesus chose? (3:16-19)
Apply It
- What would be your first step toward learning from a more mature believer in your church?
- In what ways can you depend on others to carry the weight of God’s work at this time in your life?
- What specific steps can you take this week to help one other person use in God’s service a skill that God has given him or her?
Jesus' Mother and Brothers - Mark 3:31-35
Understand It
- What was the setting of this story? (3:31-32)
- Who wanted to see Jesus? Why? (3:31-32)
- Why did Jesus’ mother and brothers go to a particular house? (3:31-32)
- How did Jesus’ family summon Him? (3:31-32)
- Who told Jesus of His family’s request? (3:32)
- What rhetorical question did Jesus ask? Why? (3:33)
- How did Jesus respond to the request by His mother and brothers? (3:33-34)
- Whom did Jesus designate as His "family"? (3:34)
- What unique name is given to "whoever does God’s will"? (3:35)
- When did Jesus’ mother and brothers get to see Him? (3:33-35)
Apply It
- What could you do or say to help your family understand your faith in Christ?
- In what areas of your work should your behavior reflect a greater kinship with Christ? How?
- What can you do each day to cultivate a kindred spirit with Christ?