Signs of the End of the Age - Mark 13:1-31
Understand It
- How did Jesus use the conversation of His disciples as an opportunity to teach? (13:1-2)
- What did Jesus mean when He said the temple stones will be "thrown down"? (13:2)
- What did Jesus’ disciples ask Him privately on the Mount of Olives? (13:3-4)
- How did Jesus respond to His disciples’ question? (13:5-8)
- What was Jesus’ main reason for telling His disciples what signs would precede the end of the age? (13:5)
- How do we know Jesus was talking about a time still to come and not merely the fall of Jerusalem that took place in A.D. 70? (13:6-30)
- Why did Jesus tell His disciples not to be alarmed when they would hear of wars? (13:7)
- What must happen before Christ returns? (13:10)
- How did Jesus tell His followers to act when they were arrested for their faith? (13:11)
- What did Jesus tell His followers to do to be assured of eternal life? (13:12-13)
- Where will "the elect" be during the "days of distress"? (12:19-20)
- What will be the greatest temptation during the "days of distress"? (13:21-23)
- What do Christ’s words "if that were possible" mean? (13:22)
- What events will happen right before the Second Coming of Christ? (13:24-25)
- What will Christ’s return be like? (13:26-27)
- What did Jesus want us to learn from the blossoming of a fig tree? (13:28-29)
- What did Jesus say we could count on happening? (13:29-30)
Apply It
- What can you read or do this week to strengthen your hold on the truth about Christ?
- What concrete action can you take to become more actively involved in telling others about Christ?
The Day and Hour Unknown - Mark 13:32-37
Understand It
- To what "day" was Christ referring? (13:32)
- Why didn’t Christ tell us the exact time when He would return to earth? (13:32)
- In what way did Jesus live by faith and obedience to the Father? (13:32)
- What will Jesus’ return be like? How? (13:34)
- What example did Jesus use to explain what His return to earth will be like? (13:34)
- Who are the servants to which Christ referred? (13:34)
- *What should the "servants" do to occupy their time while they wait for the owner’s return? (13:34)
- Who is the "owner of the house" in Jesus’ story? (13:34-35)
- What conclusion did Jesus draw from the fact that the day of His return is secret? (13:35)
- What might happen if the "owner of the house" returned suddenly and the servants were not watching carefully? (13:36)
What did Jesus want us to do? (13:37)
Apply It
- How can you "keep watch" in your day-to-day activities at work?
- What distractions might you be able to set aside from your life? How?
- What is one pursuit you want to add to your routine in light of this passage?