March 7


New Testament in a Year – Luke 4

By Ron

March 7, 2025

Mark, New Testament

The Temptation of Jesus - Luke 4:1-13

Understand It

  • How did Jesus end up alone in the desert? (4:1)
  • For how long was Jesus tempted by the devil? (4:2)
  • After forty days of fasting and facing temptations, how did Jesus feel? (4:2)
  • How did the devil challenge Jesus to prove He was the Son of God? (4:3, 9-10)
  • How did Jesus reply when the devil urged Him to turn a stone into bread? (4:4)
  • Where did Jesus get the answers He gave the devil? (4:4, 8, 12)
  • For his second temptation where did the devil take Jesus and what did he show Him? (4:5)
  • By what right did the devil claim to be able to offer Jesus the kingdoms of the world? (4:6)
  • What did the devil offer Jesus in exchange for His worship? (4:6-7)
  • What was Jesus’ reply to the devil’s offer of power and authority? (4:8)
  • Where did the devil take Jesus in Jerusalem? (4:9)
  • What did the devil dare Jesus to prove by jumping off the temple roof? (4:9-11)
  • Why wasn’t the devil successful in enticing Jesus to jump off the temple? (4:12)
  • What did the devil do after Jesus’ third resistance to his temptations? (4:13)
  • What is the difference between testing God and claiming His promises?

Apply It

  • How can you prepare for tempting situations at work?
  • What frequent temptation can you fight this week by memorizing Scripture?
  • What passage of Scripture would be most helpful to memorize this week?

Jesus Rejected at Nazareth - Luke 4:14-30

Understand It

  • What was Jesus’ reputation at this point in His life? (4:14-15)
  • Where was Jesus teaching? (4:15)
  • What was Jesus’ hometown? (4:16)
  • What did Jesus customarily do on the Sabbath? (4:16)
  • What happened once Jesus entered the synagogue? (4:16-30)
  • What did Jesus do when He was handed the scroll of the prophet Isaiah? (4:17-20)
  • How familiar was Jesus with Isaiah’s words? (4:17-20)
  • What five activities show that the Spirit of the Lord is on a person? (4:18-19)
  • How did the audience respond to Jesus’ reading? (4:20)
  • How did Jesus apply the passage He read from Isaiah? (4:21)
  • What difficulty were the people having in accepting Jesus’ words? (4:22)
  • What were the main points of Jesus’ words to the people in His hometown? (4:23-27)
  • Why were the people angry with what Jesus said? (4:23-29)
  • How did the people express their anger at Jesus’ message? (4:28-30)

Apply It

  • In what way could you renew your commitment to worship with other Christians?
  • How could you improve your present habit of Bible reading?

Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit - Luke 4:31-37

Understand It

  • Where was Capernaum? (4:31)
  • What was Jesus doing in the synagogue? (4:31)
  • Why were people amazed at Jesus? (4:32)
  • In what setting did Jesus drive out the demon from the man in Capernaum? (4:33)
  • How did the demon-possessed man react to Jesus’ presence? (4:33-34)
  • With what expressions did the demon-possessed man identify Jesus? (4:34)
  • How did Jesus respond to the evil spirit’s presence? (4:35)
  • To whom did Jesus speak when the man cried out against him? (4:35)
  • What happened to the man who was demon-possessed? (4:35)
  • How was Jesus’ reputation affected by the healing of the demon-possessed man? (4:36)
  • How did Jesus demonstrate the power of His teaching and actions? (4:32, 35-36)

Apply It

  • What area of worldly or evil influence in your life needs to experience the power of Jesus more directly?
  • In what way can you meet with Christ personally this week?

Jesus Heals Many - Luke 4:38-44

Understand It

  • Why did Jesus heal Simon’s mother-in-law? (4:38)
  • What problem was Simon’s mother-in-law experiencing? (4:38)
  • Whom did Jesus meet in Simon’s home and what did he do for her? (4:38-39)
  • How did Jesus heal Simon’s mother-in-law’s fever? (4:39)
  • How did Luke describe the evening of this particular day? (4:40-41)
  • What kinds of healing did Jesus perform that day? (4:40-41)
  • What did the demons shout about Jesus as they were expelled? (4:41)
  • Beside exorcising them, how did Jesus treat the demons? (4:41)
  • How did Jesus begin the next day? (4:42)
  • When the crowd found Jesus the next day, what did they try to convince Him to do? (4:42)
  • How did Jesus respond to the people’s wish that He stay in Capernaum? (4:43)
  • What did Jesus say was His mission? (4:43)
  • What did Jesus say He was trying to communicate to people? (4:43)

Apply It

  • In what ways can you thank God this week for healing your life or the life of someone you know?
  • When can you take time for solitude this week?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at

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