June 14


New Testament in a Year – Romans 2

By Ron

June 14, 2024

New Testament, Romans

God's Righteous Judgment - Romans 2:1-16

Understand It

  • When we judge others, what do we do to ourselves? (2:1)
  • If God is judging others for their sins, what will He do to us? (2:2-3)
  • For what reason is God kind, tolerant, and patient? (2:4)
  • What keeps us from acknowledging and repenting of our sins? (2:4-5)
  • What is God’s reaction to our stubbornness? (2:5-6)
  • On what basis will God render His judgments? (2:5-8)
  • What are the qualities of those who gain eternal life? (2:7)
  • What characteristics do condemned people display? (2:8)
  • How can Jews expect to be treated by God? (2:9-11)
  • How can Gentiles expect to be treated by God? (2:9-11)
  • How will those who know God’s law be treated compared to those who never heard God’s law? (2:12-15)
  • How will God judge people? (2:12-16)
  • When will the Law judge people? (2:16)

Apply It

  • What do you need to do today to get ready for judgment day?
  • Whom have you judged in a manner not pleasing to God? How can you seek forgiveness?
  • Who in your life is not ready for their day of judgment before God and needs your prayers this week?

The Jews and the Law - Romans 2:17-29

Understand It

  • What special relationship did the Jews have with God? (2:17-18)
  • How did Jews describe themselves in relation to Gentiles? (2:19-20)
  • Of what did Paul accuse the Jews? (2:21-24)
  • Why would the Gentiles blaspheme God’s name because of the Jews? (2:21-24)
  • What was the purpose of circumcision? (2:25-26)
  • What is more important to God than being physically circumcised? (2:26-27)
  • How did Paul redefine what it means to be a Jew? (2:28-29)
  • What is more important than physical circumcision? (2:29)
  • What is more important than knowing God’s written law? (2:29)
  • Whose approval does a true Jew seek? (2:29)

Apply It

  • How can you begin to change some inconsistent behaviors and attitudes in your Christian life this week?
  • In which of your present situations should you be more concerned about pleasing God than pleasing other people?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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