God's Righteous Judgment - Romans 2:1-16
Understand It
- When we judge others, what do we do to ourselves? (2:1)
- If God is judging others for their sins, what will He do to us? (2:2-3)
- For what reason is God kind, tolerant, and patient? (2:4)
- What keeps us from acknowledging and repenting of our sins? (2:4-5)
- What is God’s reaction to our stubbornness? (2:5-6)
- On what basis will God render His judgments? (2:5-8)
- What are the qualities of those who gain eternal life? (2:7)
- What characteristics do condemned people display? (2:8)
- How can Jews expect to be treated by God? (2:9-11)
- How can Gentiles expect to be treated by God? (2:9-11)
- How will those who know God’s law be treated compared to those who never heard God’s law? (2:12-15)
- How will God judge people? (2:12-16)
- When will the Law judge people? (2:16)
Apply It
- What do you need to do today to get ready for judgment day?
- Whom have you judged in a manner not pleasing to God? How can you seek forgiveness?
- Who in your life is not ready for their day of judgment before God and needs your prayers this week?
The Jews and the Law - Romans 2:17-29
Understand It
- What special relationship did the Jews have with God? (2:17-18)
- How did Jews describe themselves in relation to Gentiles? (2:19-20)
- Of what did Paul accuse the Jews? (2:21-24)
- Why would the Gentiles blaspheme God’s name because of the Jews? (2:21-24)
- What was the purpose of circumcision? (2:25-26)
- What is more important to God than being physically circumcised? (2:26-27)
- How did Paul redefine what it means to be a Jew? (2:28-29)
- What is more important than physical circumcision? (2:29)
- What is more important than knowing God’s written law? (2:29)
- Whose approval does a true Jew seek? (2:29)
Apply It
- How can you begin to change some inconsistent behaviors and attitudes in your Christian life this week?
- In which of your present situations should you be more concerned about pleasing God than pleasing other people?