An Illustration from Marriage - Romans 7:1-6
Understand It
- What illustration did Paul use to explain a Christian’s relationship to the written law? (7:1-3)
- Whom does the husband represent in Paul’s illustration? (7:2-3)
- Whom does the married woman represent in Paul’s illustration? (7:2-3)
- To what did Paul compare the death of a woman’s husband? (7:2-5) Why?
- What is the purpose or goal of a Christian’s new life? (7:4)
- What changes a person’s relationship to the Law? (7:4-6)
- What are the primary differences between the old life under the Law and the new life in the way of the Spirit? (7:4-6)
- What controls a person before he or she becomes a Christian? (7:5)
- How is a person released from being bound by the Law? (7:6)
- How does the Christian’s new life compare with the old life? (7:6)
Apply It
- What old ideas about pleasing God through religious activity do you need to discard this week?
- What can you do this week to build your living relationship with Christ instead of merely following the rules?
Struggling with Sin - Romans 7:7-25
Understand It
- What is the purpose of the Law? (7:7-8)
- What bad effect does knowing the Law have on a person? (7:7-8)
- When a person has no knowledge of the Law, what becomes of sin? (7:9)
- How does knowing the Law bring the possibility of death to a person? (7:9-11)
- How does the Law put a person to death? (7:11)
- What are the characteristics of the Law and the commandment? (7:12)
- How does the awareness of the Law produce death in a person? (7:13)
- What did Paul share about his own attempts to follow the Law? (7:14-16)
- What did Paul blame for his continuing failure to do good? (7:17-20)
- How did Paul describe his own struggle to do what was right? (7:21-23)
- How did Paul describe himself and his situation? (7:24)
- To whom did Paul turn for rescue from his agonizing situation? (7:24)
- What division did Paul acknowledge in his own mind and nature? (7:24)
Apply It
- How can you remind yourself each day this week of God’s victory over sin?
- What recent struggle with sin do you need to hand over to God today?