Philippians Pathway Study





Pathway Study

7 Lessons

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Participants in this study will learn about important themes from the book of Philippians, including the power of Jesus' authority, the call to discipleship, the peace of God, and contentment in Christ. They will examine key passages from the book and explore their significance for their own lives and ministries. Through this study, participants will be challenged to follow Christ more closely, relying on His strength and guidance to cultivate a sense of peace and contentment in their lives.

Philippians Pathway Study


In this Bible study lesson, participants will explore the theme of partnership in the Gospel as seen in Philippians 1:1–11. They will learn about the joy and encouragement that comes from working together for the sake of the Gospel. Through examining these passages, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of community in the Christian faith. They will also reflect on how they can apply the principles of partnership to their own lives and ministries.

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In this Bible study lesson, participants will explore the theme of finding joy in adversity as seen in Philippians 1:12–26. They will learn about the ways in which Paul found joy and purpose in the midst of difficult circumstances, and how they too can find joy in their own struggles. Through examining these passages, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of perseverance and faithfulness in the Christian life. They will also reflect on how they can apply the principles of finding joy in adversity to their own lives and ministries.

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Gospel as seen in Philippians 1:27–2:11. They will learn about the importance of unity, humility, and service in the Christian life, and how they can live a life that is consistent with the Gospel message. Through examining these passages, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the call to discipleship and what it means to follow Christ. They will also reflect on how they can apply the principles of living a life worthy of the Gospel to their own lives and ministries.

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In this Bible study lesson, participants will explore the theme of working out your salvation as seen in Philippians 2:12–30. They will learn about the importance of obedience, humility, and service in the Christian life, and how these virtues contribute to our salvation. Through examining these passages, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the call to discipleship and what it means to follow Christ. They will also reflect on how they can apply the principles of working out their salvation to their own lives and ministries.

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In this Bible study lesson, participants will explore the theme of rejoicing in the Lord as seen in Philippians 3:1–4:1. They will learn about the importance of finding joy in Christ, even in the midst of trials and difficulties, and how this joy can sustain us in our daily lives. Through examining these passages, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the call to discipleship and what it means to follow Christ with joy. They will also reflect on how they can apply the principles of rejoicing in the Lord to their own lives and ministries.

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In this Bible study lesson, participants will explore the theme of the peace of God as seen in Philippians 4:2–9. They will learn about the importance of prayer, thanksgiving, and positive thinking in cultivating a sense of peace in our lives, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Through examining these passages, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the call to discipleship and what it means to follow Christ with peace. They will also reflect on how they can apply the principles of the peace of God to their own lives and ministries.

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In this Bible study lesson, participants will explore the theme of contentment in Christ as seen in Philippians 4:10–23. They will learn about the importance of finding our satisfaction and fulfillment in Christ, rather than in worldly things. Through examining these passages, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the call to discipleship and what it means to follow Christ with contentment. They will also reflect on how they can apply the principles of contentment in Christ to their own lives and ministries.

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About the teacher


I am the founder of Bible Study Daily and CEO of Inspired Leadership, Inc. 

After retiring from a 36-year business career, I entered Talbot Seminary at BIOLA University where I completed my Masters in Biblical Studies and Theology. Following my graduation from seminary, I was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel. I started Bible Study Daily because my desire is for you to know God more deeply, understand his Word more clearly, and apply it daily as you live out your purpose-driven life!

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