What I Noticed Today (Jeremiah 49-50)Jeremiah 49Jeremiah 49 contains Jeremiah’s prophecies against several nations ...

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What I Noticed Today (Jeremiah 46-48)Jeremiah 46-51In Jeremiah 1-45, Jeremiah’s prophetic focus was on ...

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What I Noticed Today (Jeremiah 41-45)Jeremiah 41In verses -1-3, Ishmael came in the seventh ...

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There is a short introduction available for the book of Habakkuk. You can read it ...

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What I Noticed Today (2 Kings 24-25; 2 Chronicles 36)2 Kings 24-25 conclude the ...

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What I Noticed Today (Jeremiah 38-40; Psalms 74, 79)Jeremiah 38In verses 1-3, Jeremiah repeats ...

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