August 15


Chronological Bible Study – Aug 15

By Ron

August 15, 2024

Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 5, Jeremiah

What I Noticed Today (Jeremiah 30-31)

Jeremiah 30-33

Jeremiah 30-33 are referred to as “The Book of Consolation” because these chapters contain a collection of prophecies of a time when Israel and Judah will be restored to their land, reunited as one nation, and reunited with God.

Jeremiah 30

In verses 1-3, the Lord told Jeremiah to write His words in a book because the day was coming when He would restore the people of Israel and Judah.

In verses 4-7, the time prior to the people’s return is described as being a time of panic, terror, and no peace. Yet the Lord promises the people will be saved.

In verses 8-11, the Lord promises to break the yoke of bondage and free the people so they can serve the Lord. The Lord tells the people not to fear; he would save them, and discipline the nations where they had been scattered.

In verses 12-15, the Lord describes Israel’s condition as incurable. Their allies have abandoned them; no one is left to uphold their cause. Judgment from the Lord is coming because of their guilt.

In verses 16-17, the Lord promised to punish those who came against Judah and Israel. He will heal them and restore them to health.

In verses 18-22, the Lord describes the restoration. He will restore their fortunes and their buildings. The people will once again be thankful, and God will punish those who have oppressed them.

Note: The Messiah is in view in verses 20-21: their leader will be one of them, who will draw near to God, and he declares “you shall be my people, and I will be your God.”

In verses 23-24, Jeremiah repeats much of Jeremiah 23:19-20, which is a warning that before God’s blessing He will judge the people

Jeremiah 31

In verse 1, Jeremiah describes the result of the Lord’s judgment “at that time” they will be His people, and he will be their God (referring to all of Israel and Judah).

In verses 2-6, the Lord promises to restore Israel because of His everlasting love for them. They will take up their tambourine, they will dance, and they will plant their vineyards and enjoy the fruit.

In verses 7-9, the people will sing songs of joy and praise because the Lord has restored them. Everyone, even those far away, will be gathered together.

In verses 10-14, the Lord describes the redemption and restoration of Israel’s people. Their mourning will turn into dancing.

In verses 15-20, the lament of the people will turn to joy. The Lord promises there is a hope for their future; they would be restored after they have been disciplined.

Note: Rachel was Jacob’s favorite wife. Ramah is a small town 5 miles north of Jerusalem where the exile of the people began.

In verses 21-22, the Lord told them to set up road signs/markers as they traveled to Babylon so they would know the way back home.

In verses 23-26, the Lord promised that He would also restore Judah.

In verses 27-30, the Lord said he would plant Israel and Judah and build them up after a period of judgment.

Note: The reference to fathers having eaten sour grapes and the children’s teeth set on edge suggests that the children were being punished for the sins of their fathers, but this is not the case, God will judge each person for their own sin.

In verses 31-37, the New Covenant with the people of Israel and Judah is announced. This new covenant will not be like the old one (the Mosaic covenant) which the people broke. The New Covenant will have His Law placed in their minds and on their hearts (as opposed to Mosaic covenant written on stones). They will not teach each other the Law because they will already have it, and their sins will be remembered no more. The Lord says this covenant is permanent; it will not depart from Him any more than the sun will not shine by day or the moon and stars by night.

In verses 38-40, the Lord describes the new city which will be built. It will be sacred to the Lord, and it will never be uprooted or overthrown.

Note: After the Babylonian captivity the city was destroyed again by the Romans in A.D. 70. Since Israel is not united today and the city remains unholy, the fulfillment of these promises will not come until the Millennial reign of Christ.

Tomorrow: Jeremiah 32-34

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