January 12


Chronological Bible Study – Jan 12

By Ron

January 12, 2025

Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 1, Job

What I Noticed Today (Job 32-34)

Job 32-33

At the conclusion of Job’s remarks, the youngest of the friends, Elihu, rebukes Job’s friends in Job 32, and Job in Job 33.

Job 32

In verses 1-5, Elihu is angry with Job for defending himself while accusing God, and angry with Job’s three friends because they accused him without proper evidence.

In verses 6-9, Elihu begins by saying that just because he is the youngest does not mean he does not have wisdom.

In verses 10-22, He asks that they listen to him because he has something different to say.

  • Elihu says Job’s friends have no proven Job wrong, so they should not claim to have great wisdom.
  • Elihu claims to have the Spirit within him, and if he remains silent, he will burst like a wineskin.
  • He would not take sides because he disagreed with both sides.

Job 33

Elihu now turns his attention to Job.

In verses 1-7, Elihu asks Job to listen to him because he speaks with an upright heart and with sincerity.

In verses 8-11, Elihu demonstrates that he has been listening closely to Job because he quotes Job’s words seven times (Job 33:9-11)

Elihu says Job is wrong in accusing God:

  • He says that God owes him no explanation (33:13).
  • Yet, God does speak to man through dreams and visions (33:14-18),
  • Through painful trials (33:19-30), and
  • Through people (33:31-33).

Some thoughts for additional consideration:

  • Young Elihu may not know how to deliver a concise message, but he is right that God may be trying to speak to Job through different means. When we feel apart from God, we need to be aware that He may be trying to speak to us through the Holy Spirit, through situations of life, and other Godly believers.

Note: Elihu’s long-winded speech that started in Job 32 continues through Job 37; in Job 34 he asserts God’s justice, in Job 35 he condemns Job, in Job 36 he extols God’s greatness, and in Job 37 he proclaims God’s majesty.

Job 34

Once again, Elihu asks the men to listen to him (Job 34:1-4) and reminds them to keep listening as he goes (vv. 2, 10, 16, and 34). These four chapters include a number of major themes:

  • Job 34:5-9. Elihu disagrees with Job’s claim that God is unjust.
  • Job 34:10-20. Elihu proclaims God’s justice and impartiality.

Note: Elihu seems to be speaking to Job’s friends given the plural use of “you” in verses 2 and 10, and the use of “us” in verse 4. In verse 16, Elihu uses the singular “you” directing his comments to Job.

  • Job 34:21-30. Elihu has sovereign authority to punish the wicked.
  • Job 34:31-37. Elihu attacks Job’s impudence in not repenting and rebelling against God.

What did you notice in your study today? Feel free to visit the website and leave a question or a comment.

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Day 13 Job 35-37

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