June 2


Chronological Bible Study – June 2

By Ron

June 2, 2024

Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 4, Song of Solomon

What I Noticed Today (Song of Solomon)

There is a short introduction available for the book of Song of Solomon. You can read it here.

The three main sections of Song of Solomon are the courtship leading up to the wedding (1:2-3:5), the wedding (3:6-5:1), and the marriage maturing (5:2-8:4).

My notes for the book follow the chiastic structure of the song (see the Introduction to Song of Solomon for more information on the structure).

Section A (1:2-2:7)

In verses 1:2-1:7, the bride confesses her love for the king after being brought into his chambers.

In verses 1:8-2:7, Solomon and his bride express their love for one another.

Section B (2:6-2:17)

In verses 2:6-2:17, the bride describes the many ways she adores her beloved

Section C (3:1-3:5)

In verses 3:1-3:5, the bride describes her dream in which she is awakened, leaves home to find her beloved, is found by guards, she asks for help; she finds her beloved, returns home with him, and is reunited with him through the night.

Section D (3:6-5:1)

In verses 3:6:3:11, the narrator describes Solomon is arriving for the wedding.

In verses 4:1-5:1, Solomon describes his bride’s beauty in detail using a number of metaphors (she is like….).

Section C1 (5:2-7:9)

In verses 5:2-5:9, the bride describes another dream in which she is asleep, but her heart is awake as she searches for her beloved.

In verses 5:10-6:1, the bride, now awake, offers ten praises of her husband.

In verses 6:2-3, the bride describes being aware of her beloved’s presence in the garden.

In verses 6:4-7:10, Solomon describes how he and his bride delight in each other.

Section B1 (7:10-8:4)

In verses 7:10-7:13, the bride invites her beloved into the garden (vineyard) to give herself to him.

In verses 8:1-8:4, the bride describes her great longing for her beloved.

Section A1 (8:3-8:14)

In verses 8:3-8:7, the bride describes her devotion and love for her husband.

In verses 8:8-8:14, others describe the bride’s beauty and character, and the bride and her beloved describe the fruit of their vineyard and their desire to be together.

Song of Solomon describes in such beautiful language the love between the bride and her beloved. There is anticipation as the story of their courtship begins, the tension mounts as they separate the night before the wedding. Then comes the wedding ceremony itself and the consummation of their love on the wedding night. Finally, there is a description of how their love grows and comes to maturity.

Note: This creates in my mind a wonderful picture of God’s love for His people Israel.  It also a picture of Jesus’s relationship with the church! So as far as the scholars go who argue the allegory is one or the other, honestly, I can see both portrayals clearly demonstrated in the Song of Solomon!

All the notes for the book of the Song of Solomon have been compiled into a single pdf document. You can download it by clicking here.

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Proverbs 1-3

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