June 26


Chronological Bible Study – June 26

By Ron

June 26, 2024

1 Kings, 2 Chronicles, Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 5

What I Noticed Today (1 Kings 16; 2 Chronicles 17)

1 Kings 16

1 Kings 16 opens with God’s strong rebuke against Baasha for making the people of Israel sin like Jeroboam had done.

In verses 1-4, the Lord spoke a word of rebuke to Baasha through Jehu the prophet.

Note: This Jehu is a prophet and is not the same Jehu who was king of Israel (941 -814 B.C.).

  • The Lord said He had lifted Baasha up and made him ruler over Israel, but Baasha had behaved like Jeroboam causing the people to sin against the Lord.
  • Therefore, the Lord promised to sweep away the house of Baasha

Note: The words of judgment in verse 4 are nearly identical to the judgment against Jeroboam in 1 Kings 14:10-11.

In verses 5-7, Baasha died and was buried in Tirzah. His son Elah became king and reigned for two years.

In verses 8-14, in the 26th year of Judah’s King Asa, Elah became king over Israel and reigned for two years (886-885 B.C.).

  • Elah’s chariot commander, Zimri rose up against Elah.
  • Zimri killed Elah and became king in his place.
  • Zimri killed the entire house of Baasha. This fulfilled God’s judgment (1 Kings 16:3).

In verses 15-22, in the 27th year of Asa king of Judah, Zimri became king over Israel and reigned for 7-days (in 885 B.C.).

  • Because Zimri had killed Elah others in the nation of Israel appointed Omri to be king.
  • Omri went up against Zimri to attack Zimri at Tirzah. They besieged the city, and when Zimri realized the city had been surrounded, he went into the royal palace and committed suicide by burning his house down.

In verses 20-22, the nation of Israel divided yet again with some of the people following Tibni, and the rest following Omri.

  • Tibni and Omri reigned over portions of Israel for 6-years (885-880 B.C.)
  • Omri’s army killed Tibni, and he became king over Israel.
  • Omri reigned over all Israel for 6-years (880-874 B.C.).

In verses 23-28, in the 36th year of Asa king of Judah, Omri became king over Israel and reigned for 12 years from Tirzah.

  • But Omri was also an evil king, worse than all the kings that came before him.
  • He died, and his son Ahab reigned in his place.

In verses 29-34, in the 38th year of Asa king of Judah, Ahab became king over Israel, and he reigned from Samaria for 22 years (874-853 B.C.).

  • Ahab was also an evil king who followed in the ways of Jeroboam leading the people to sin against the Lord.
  • Ahab married Jezebel, the daughter of Ethbaal a Canaanite.
  • Ahab built an altar to Baal and he and Jezebel worshiped Baal.
  • Ahab also set up an Asherah pole to worship Baal
  • Ahab provoked the Lord more than all the kings of Israel who went before him.

2 Chronicles 17

In verses 1-6, when Asa died, Jehoshaphat, his son, reigned in his place.

  • The Lord was with Jehoshaphat because he walked in the ways of David.
  • He sought the Lord, removed the high places and Asherim in Judah, and the Lord was with him.

In verses 7-11, Jehoshaphat mobilized Levites and sent them into the cities with copies of the Law to teach the people about God.

  • The terror of the Lord was on the kingdoms that surrounded Judah, so they did not come up against them.
  • The Philistines and Arabs even brought gifts of tribute to Jehoshaphat.

In verses 12-19, Jehoshaphat also fortified the cities and increased the size of the army.

  • There were 780,000 soldiers from Judah and another 380,000 soldiers from the tribe of Benjamin.
  • In addition to these soldiers, Jehoshaphat had soldiers stationed throughout Judah in the fortified cities.

Note: Jehoshaphat sought the ways of the Lord (17:3), he was courageous in his walk with God (17:6), and he led the people into a greater relationship with the Lord (17:7-9).

Some thoughts for additional consideration:

  • Asa started out strong, faithful to the Lord, but ended his life stubbornly refusing to turn to God. His example is a reminder to us all as we grow older in the Lord, not to become complacent and think that our faith is solid. We are all susceptible to sins that would turn us away from God.
  • Jehoshaphat established a powerful model for us as leaders today: he began with a strong personal relationship with God, he was courageous and steadfast in his faith, and he led the people into a deeper understanding of God. Leaders like that seem to be in short supply today!

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: 1 Kings 17-19

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