June 3


Chronological Bible Study – June 3

By Ron

June 3, 2024

Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 4, Proverbs

What I Noticed Today (Proverbs 1-3)

There is a short introduction available for the book of Proverbs. You can read it here.

Proverbs 1

In Proverbs 1, Solomon introduces the purposes of the proverbs. Then he warns his son not to be enticed by sinners but to listen to the call of wisdom.

In verses 1-7, Solomon describes the purpose of the proverbs is to attain wisdom, discipline, and understanding. Solomon says a disciplined, prudent life is one in which the person does what is right, just, and fair. Both the simple (young) and the wise can benefit. Fear of the Lord, says Solomon, is the beginning of wisdom.

In verses 8-9, Solomon instructs his son not to forsake his mother’s teaching. The word for “teaching” is the Hebrew word tôrâh, which is usually translated “law.” In Jewish homes, parents taught their children God’s Laws.

In verses 10-19, Solomon warns his son about those who would entice him to sin. He specifically warns against those who would spill innocent blood and steal from others. Eventually, these men got caught in their own traps. Greedy men lose their lives.

In verses 20-33, Solomon says wisdom cries out to everyone, but the simple, the scoffers, and the fools reject wisdom. Those who reject wisdom will face calamity and distress. They have chosen to reject God and His counsel, so they will reap what they have sown, but whoever listens to wisdom will dwell securely.

Proverbs 2

In Proverbs 2, Solomon again addresses his son instructing him to expend the effort needed to attain wisdom.

In verses 1-6, Solomon says it takes effort to become wise. One must seek it out, receive the instruction, treasure it, be attentive to it, and store it up in your heart.

In verses 7- 10, by actively seeking wisdom, you can find the knowledge of God; you will understand righteousness, equity, justice, and every good path.

In verses 11-22, Solomon says wisdom will be in your heart, discretion will watch over you, and understanding will guard you and deliver you from the paths of the unrighteous. Wisdom will also deliver you from forbidden women, and the adulteress who forsakes her husband. A person with wisdom will walk in the way of the righteous, but the wicked will be cut-off.

Proverbs 3

In Proverbs 3, Solomon exhorts his son not to forget his teaching, and to trust in the Lord because the one who finds wisdom is blessed.

In verses 1-4, Solomon exhorts his son not to forget his teaching and to remember what has been taught. Solomon says steadfast love and faithfulness should be written on your heart.

In verses 5-8, Solomon tells his son to trust in the Lord, and not rely on his own understanding. Acknowledge God, and He will make your paths straight. Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.

In verses 9-10, Solomon tells his son to honor with his wealth, his first fruits, and he will prosper.

In verses 11-12, Solomon tells his son not to despise the Lord’s discipline because God disciplines those whom He loves.

In verses 13-20, Solomon describes wisdom as bringing blessings, and the gain from wisdom is more precious than gold. Wisdom brings long life, pleasantness, and peace. The Lord used His wisdom, understanding, and knowledge when He created the world.

In verses 21-26, Solomon exhorts his son once again not to forget wisdom and discretion as they will bring life, safety, sleep, and confidence.

In verses 27-35, Solomon gives his son five instructions about relationships with others: do not withhold good from those who deserve it, do not delay paying your debts, do not do harm to a neighbor, do not argue for no reason, and do not envy men of violence.  Men who do these things are devious. The Lord curses the wicked, and fools will be disgraced.

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Proverbs 4-6

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