June 6


Chronological Bible Study – June 6

By Ron

June 6, 2024

Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 4, Proverbs

What I Noticed Today (Proverbs 10-12)

Proverbs 10

Proverbs 10 begins a long series of 375 sayings that contrast the righteous (wise) with the wicked (foolish).

Note: Most of the verses are a form of parallelism (comparisons, completions, contrasts).

The wise are characterized by bringing joy and are diligent. The wise will follow instructions and will increase in knowledge and share it with others. The wise know when to be quiet, do not boast about sin and are serious about following God’s teaching.

The benefits of being wise are they enjoy God’s protection, provision, and blessings, they are encouraging (giving life) to others, they prosper in their work, their future is secure, and they are joyful. The wise person’s words match his actions (talk matches walk).

Proverbs 11

The contrasts of the wise and foolish continue in Proverbs 11.

The integrity of the righteous guides them. They are humble and blameless. God keeps them from lust, death, trouble, gossip, and protects their families. They desire what God desires, sowing righteousness. They are a blessing to others.

By contrast, the wicked are proud, treacherous, lustful, full of trouble, cruel, crooked hearts, evil, and lacking in discretion. 

Proverbs 12

There are six sections or themes discussed in Proverbs 12:

In verses 1-3, the character of a good man who obtains favor from the Lord is contrasted with the character of the wicked.

In verse 4, the relationship between husband and wife is in view. An excellent wife is described as a crown to her husband in contrast with a wife who brings shame.

In verses 5-8, the plans and advice of the righteous are contrasted with the wicked. The righteous are honest, while the wicked are deceitful.  The advice of the righteous deliver/build up, but the wicked destroy. The house of the righteous is secure while the wicked perish. The righteous man is appreciated for his good sense while the wicked are despised.

In verses 9-12, the righteous man’s view of material things is contrasted with that of a wicked man. The righteous man is content with what he has while a wicked man makes a show of his status. A righteous man cares for his animals, while a wicked man does not. The righteous man works to provide for his needs while a wicked man chases after worthless pursuits. A righteous man bears fruit while a wicked man covets what others have.

In verses 13-23, Solomon contrasts the speech or a righteous man with the speech of a wicked man. The wicked avoid trouble with their speech, while a wicked man is trapped by his lies. A wise man listens to advice while a foolish man thinks himself right. The wise man remains calm when insulted, but the fool is quick to show his anger. The righteous man gives honest testimony, while the wicked man lies. The righteous man speaks healing, encouraging words, but the wicked man speaks harshly. The righteous man speaks truthfully while the wicked man’s lies are soon exposed. The righteous man is peaceful, bringing joy while the wicked devise evil. The righteous man is protected from trouble, but the wicked man’s life is filled with trouble. The righteous are truthful and are a delight to the Lord while the wicked lies and is an abomination to the Lord. The prudent man does not show off his knowledge while the fool proclaims folly.

In verses 24-28, the path of the righteous is contrasted with the path of the wicked. The diligent will rule while the slothful will be put to forced labor. The righteous man offers encouraging words and is a guide to his neighbor, but a wicked man is deceitful and leads people astray. A diligent man will treasure what he has while a wicked man will waste his resources. The righteous man’s path leads to a life where there is no death. A diligent man will treasure what he has while a wicked man will waste his resources. The righteous man’s path leads to a life where there is no death.

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Proverbs 13-15

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