June 9


Chronological Bible Study – June 9

By Ron

June 9, 2024

Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 4, Proverbs

What I Noticed Today (Proverbs 19-21)

Proverbs 19

The duties of the wise and righteous continue in Proverbs 19. There are six major sections or themes in Proverbs 19.

In verses 1-3, Solomon says it is better to be a poor man with integrity than a man of deceitful speech who is a fool.  Haste and desire, lacking knowledge lead to mistakes. Don’t be like a foolish man who ruins his own life then blames God.

In verses 4-7, Discusses the selfish human nature. People are drawn to friends with money but abandon the poor. A man who bears false testimony will come to ruin. Don’t selfishly seek out friendships with wealthy people for what they can do for you. A poor man’s family deserts him as do his friends while they ignore his pleas for help.

In verses 8-12, Solomon stresses the importance of doing the right thing. Wisdom and understanding will discover good. Never provide false testimony or tell lies. Beware a fool living in luxury or a slave who rules over princes. A wise man is slow to anger and overlooks offenses. Be aware of a ruler’s state of mind; they have the power to be wrathful or full of favor.

In verses 13-14, Solomon says it is important to protect your family. A foolish son and a quarrelsome wife destroy a family. A wife of understanding is a valuable gift from God.

In verses 15-25, Solomon reinforces the importance of being disciplined. A lazy, slothful person sleeps away their life and resources. Obey God’s commandments to safeguard your life. Discipline your children. Do not rescue an angry man from his punishment; you will only have to do it again. A man who listens to advice and accepts instruction will gain wisdom for the future. Man makes many plans in his own mind, but God’s purposes will prevail. A man of unfailing love, even if poor, is preferred to a man who is a liar. Fear of the Lord leads to life. A lazy man will not even lift a hand to feed himself. Scorners do not learn from discipline, the simple (foolish) may learn prudence, but the wise man gains understanding

In verses 26-29, Solomon reveals the consequences of failing to live wisely. A violent son brings reproach and shame. A person who rejects instruction will eventually go astray. A wicked man mocks justice, and ultimately, they are rejecting God. Scoffers (those who mock others) and fools will be punished.

Proverbs 20

Solomon’s exposition of the duties of the wise and righteous continues in Proverbs 20.

There are six major sections or themes in Proverbs 20.

In verses 1-4, Solomon warns of foolish behavior that surrounds us. Alcohol in excess leads to bad behavior. Be careful not to provoke a leader to anger because they have the power to punish. Avoid mixing into other’s affairs and starting arguments. Don’t be lazy, avoiding work, and then wonder why you don’t reap a harvest.

In verses 5-8, Solomon reveals the importance of discerning truth from others. A man of understanding will draw out the purpose of a man’s heart. Be wary of those who claim loyalty (steadfast love) but are unfaithful. A righteous parent will be a blessing to their children. A leader’s purpose is to execute judgment and discover evil.

In verses 9-12, Solomon reminds us that everyone is guilty of some sin. No one can say they have cleansed their hearts and are free from sin.  Be fair and honest in all transactions and remember that the Lord detests dishonesty. Even a child’s character (intentions) are seen in his actions. Be attentive to people’s needs using both your eyes and ears.

In verses 13-17, Solomon stresses the importance of being wise when making business deals. Be diligent in your work; don’t be sleeping when you should be working. Be wary of those who might misrepresent value and engage in deceitful business practices. Having knowledge is like a precious jewel; it is more valuable than gold. Hold people accountable when they pledge collateral against a debt. People who steal enjoy pleasure for a time but eventually their sin is uncovered.

In verses 18-21, Solomon stresses the importance of wise counsel. Establish plans based on wise counsel especially when making big decisions (waging war).  Be wary of someone who slanders (talks about others); they will betray confidences. Do not curse your parents. An inheritance to a young person may not be a blessing.

In verses 22-30, Solomon reminds us that there is both human and divine justice in this world. Do not seek revenge yourself leave that up to God.  Deceptive, dishonest business practices are an abomination to the Lord. God’s path for us is beyond our capacity to fully understand. Do not make promises or vows hastily. Wise leaders remove and punish the wicked. Steadfast love and faithfulness preserve a king (a leader). Respect both the strength of the young and the experience and wisdom of the elders. Punishment for wrongs protects both the person and others in society.

Proverbs 21

The duties of the wise and righteous are explained in terms of God’s sovereignty over the lives of man.

There are five major sections or themes in Proverbs 21.

In verses 1-3, Solomon reminds us that God examines the hearts of man. The Lord can direct the heart of a leader in any way He wishes. No matter how you justify an action, God knows your heart. Obedience is doing right is more important to God than acts of “religious service.”

In verses 4-19, Solomon warns wise people of the need to guard against foolish, sinful behavior. Arrogance, pride, and a wicked lifestyle are sinful. Do not gain wealth by lying. Violent men who refuse to do right will face justice. Wise men walk on a righteous path. Seek peace with your wife. Wicked people pursue evil. Scoffers learn little from punishment, but the simple do, and the wise gain wisdom. The judgment of the wicked will occur. Be sensitive to the cries of the poor. Bribery is wrong. Justice is a joy to the righteous. Do not stray from the ways of the wise (Godly). A life focused on indulgences and pleasure leads to poverty. The wicked will reap what they sow. It is better to remain single than be married to a quarrelsome woman.

In verses 20-23, Solomon gives four ways wise people can protect themselves from the foolish. Save and prepare for the future. Pursue righteousness. Wisdom will conquer the wicked. Controlling what you say will keep you out of trouble.

In verses 24-29, Solomon reveals ways the wise protect themselves from sin. Watch out for the prideful mocker and the sluggard who refuses to work. Give generously. Beware the man who is hypocritical in their worship, living a wicked lifestyle. An honest man will endure. A wise man thinks before acting.

In verses 30-31, Solomon says nothing will stop God from achieving His purpose. No wisdom of man can prevail against God. The victory is His!

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Proverbs 22-24

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