May 13


Chronological Bible Study – May 13

By Ron

May 13, 2024

1 Chronicles, 2 Samuel, Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 4

What I Noticed Today (2 Samuel 11-12; 1 Chronicles 20)

2 Samuel 11

The story of Bathsheba and David begins in 2 Samuel 11.

In verses 1-12, rather than leading the army out to war, David elected to stay behind, while Joab went out to battle against the Ammonites.

  • David saw Bathsheba bathing on her rooftop, inquired about her and learned that she was married to Uriah the Hittite, who is in David’s army.
  • David had Bathsheba brought to him. He slept with her, and she became pregnant.
  • To cover up his sin, David schemed to have Uriah brought back from the battle to “report” to him and sleep with his wife.

In verses 14-27, Uriah didn’t sleep with Bathsheba, so David hatched yet another plan to cover his sin.

  • David had Joab place Uriah where the fiercest fighting was so that Uriah would be killed in battle.
  • Bathsheba learned that her husband had been killed in battle, and she mourned for him.
  • After her period of mourning, David sent for her and married her. She bore him a son, but the Lord considered what David had done as evil.

Note: David had taken Bathsheba to be his wife. He must have thought he had covered up his sin, but God knew what he had done.

2 Samuel 12

In verses 1-6, God sent Nathan the prophet to confront David by telling him the parable of the rich man taking the poor man’s sheep.

  • David was enraged and said the rich man deserves to die. Because he showed no pity for the poor man, he must pay four times the price of the lamb.

In verses 7-15a, Nathan delivered a long and stinging rebuke to David from God.

  • This included God’s judgment that his child would die.
  • David would always have war.
  • Evil would come out of his own house.
  • His own wives would be taken away and given to someone else (fulfilled when we get to 2 Samuel 16:20).
  • David repented of his sin, but the judgment of God against David and his family remained.

In verses 15b-23, Bathsheba’s child, through adultery by David, became ill.

  • David pleaded with the Lord to heal the boy. He had fasted for seven days before the boy died.
  • When David heard that the child had died, he worshiped the Lord and ate.

In verses 24-25, David and Bathsheba had another child, Solomon, whose name was also Jedidiah, which means “beloved of the Lord.”

In verses 26-31, war with the Ammonites continued. Joab surrounded Rabbah, the Ammonite royal city.

  • Joab sent word to David and told him to come and finish taking the city.
  • David assembled troops and came to Rabbah.
  • David conquered Rabbah and plundered the city.
  • He put the people of Rabbah to work making tools for the Israelites.
  • David and the army returned to Jerusalem.

Some thoughts for additional consideration:

  • David placed himself in a position to be tempted by not going out with the army. From the comfort of his home, he became an adulterer, a liar, a schemer, and a murderer. The consequence of this sin may have been covered from man’s eyes, but it had not escaped God’s attention, and there was a price to pay for this sin. Based on Levitical law (Exodus 20:10), both David and Bathsheba should have been stoned.
  • When we sin and fear being discovered, it is not usual to act like David; to lie, scheme, and to seek ways to cover up our sin. While we may be successful in covering our sin from man’s eyes, our sin is always present before God. We need to repent of our sin and realize that while God will forgive us, there are still consequences to our sin.

1 Chronicles 20

In verses 1-3, (continuing from Chapter 19), Joab and the army went out and battled against the Ammonites, besieging Rabbah and overthrowing it.

  • David remained in Jerusalem.
  • When the Ammonites in Rabbah were defeated, David plundered the city and put the people to work for him.

In verses 4-8, after that, Joab went to war with the Philistines whom they defeated, as well as the Gaths.

Some thoughts for additional consideration:

  • David and Nathan both had good intentions in their desire to build a temple for God, but they got ahead of themselves, and God had to give them specific instructions about His plan. David took God’s instructions to heart, seeing himself as God’s servant, prepared to do God’s will.
  • Because of David’s willingness to obey God, God was with him and gave him success and prospered David and the people of Israel.
  • How easy it is for us to run ahead of God with our plans. We have the best of intentions but fail to consult with God to see if our plans align with His. If we maintain a servant’s heart, like David, we will see and accept God’s plan over our own! His plan is always bigger and better than our own!

What did you notice in your study today? Feel free to visit the website and leave a question or a comment.

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Tomorrow: May 14, Psalms 32, 51, 86, 122

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