May 16


Chronological Bible Study – May 16

By Ron

May 16, 2024

Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 4, Psalms

What I Noticed Today (Psalms 26, 40, 58, 61-62, 64)

Psalm 26

David asserts his integrity having trusted in the Lord (vv. 1-3). He offers proof of his integrity by staying away from evil doers and hypocrites (vv. 4-8). David prays that God will reward his integrity by keeping him away from sinners and evil men (vv. 9-12).

Psalm 40

Psalm 40 begins with thanksgiving (vv. 1-10) and concludes with a petition (vv. 11-17).

In verses 1-10, David begins by telling the congregation that after patiently waiting, the Lord had lifted him up, saved him from destruction, and that was the reason for his rejoicing. He proclaimed God’s wondrous deeds as he yielded his life to the will of God. David proclaimed the Lord’s righteousness, faithfulness, salvation, and love to the congregation.

In verses 11-17, David prayed fervently for the Lord to continue to show His compassion to him despite his many sins. David specifically asked the Lord to deliver him from his enemies who intended to hurt him.

Psalm 58

Psalm 58 is a denouncement of unrighteous judges whom David wishes God would destroy.

In verses 1-5, David claims that because these judges are wicked because they are not righteous judges.

In verses 6-9, David calls on God to destroy these wicked judges.

In verses 10-11, David says the righteous will rejoice in the destruction of the wicked, and men will see the destruction of the wicked and see a reward for being righteous.

Psalm 61

In verses 1-2, during a time of distress, David asks God to lead him to God’s high rock, where he will take refuge from his enemies.

In verses 3-8, David refers to the Lord as his refuge and strong tower in times of trouble. He prayed that God would prolong his life and that God would continue to protect him. Then David vowed to sing praises to the Lord.

Psalm 62

Psalm 62 speaks of David’s confidence and trust in the Lord despite the opposition he was facing.

In verses 1-4, David speaks of resting in the Lord. God was his rock, his salvation, and his fortress. He describes wicked men who are trying to take him down as hypocritical liars; they spoke well of him to his face but cursed him in their hearts.

In verses 5-8, David repeats that he is waiting for the Lord because the Lord is his only hope. He asked the people to pour out their hearts to the Lord, trusting in God to protect them.

In verses 9-12, David warned the people not to trust wicked men because their power was fleeting. Instead, they should trust in the power of the Lord.

Psalm 64

Psalm 64 is a prayer of David asking for God to bring judgment down on his enemies.

In verses 1-6, David asks God to hear his plea to protect him and hide him from evildoers. These wicked men are preparing to attack the innocent with slander.

In verses 7-10, David predicts that God will bring his enemies to ruin, that people would fear the Lord, and the righteous would rejoice and praise the Lord.

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Tomorrow: 2 Samuel 16-18

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