May 30


Chronological Bible Study – May 30

By Ron

May 30, 2024

Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 4, Psalms

What I Noticed Today (Psalm 119)

Psalm 119

Psalm 119 is the longest psalm in the book of Psalms, with 176 verses. It is written in an acrostic format. The first letter of each paragraph begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Additionally, each paragraph (also known as a strophe), is composed of eight verses. Each of these verses begins with the same Hebrew letter.

The psalm is a collection of prayers on the Word of God. The Word of God is referred to by ten synonyms: Law, Word, Saying, Commandment, Statutes, Judgment, Precepts, Testimony, Way, and Path.


In verses 1-8, the psalmist declares that those who walk in the way of the Lord are blessed. He prays that he will be able to follow God’s law and promises to praise God as he learns more about God’s statutes.


In verses 9-16, the psalmist says that a man stays pure by wholeheartedly seeking God, storing up God’s Word in his heart, and meditating on it continually.


In verses 17-24, the psalmist asks the Lord to open his eyes to see the blessings in the Law. He prays that the Lord would keep evil-doers away so that he can meditate on God’s Word.


In verses 25-32, the psalmist prays that the Lord would learn and understand God’s statutes so that he can meditate on them. He promises to remain faithful to God’s Law.


In verses 33-40, the psalmist declares his loyalty to the Word of God, which he followed with a whole heart. He prayed that the Lord would keep him from covetousness and vanity.


In verses 41-48, the psalmist asks the Lord to save him based on the Lord’s promise and steadfast love. He then prayed that he would keep God’s Law continually.


In verses 49-56, the psalmist says that his hope is in the Word comforts him in the midst of his afflictions. He is angry with those who forsake the Law. He is blessed because he has kept God’s precepts.


In verses 57-64, the psalmist says the Lord is his portion and promises to keep His Word even when surrounded by the wicked.


In verses 65-72, the psalmist says that the Lord has dealt with his servant according to His Word and asks the Lord to teach him good judgment and knowledge so that he won’t go astray. He admits that being afflicted helped him learn the Lord’s statutes


In verses 73-80, the psalmist declares that he was created by the Lord and asks that the Lord give him the understanding to learn His commandments. He prayed that the insolent be shamed while those who fear the Lord will turn to Him.


In verses 81-88, the psalmist says his soul longs for the Lord and wonders how long he will have to wait before the Lord vindicates him. He claims to have remained true to the Lord’s precepts despite facing intense persecution.


In verses 89-96, the psalmist declares the Lord’s Word is fixed in heaven and established on earth. God’s law delights him and has given him life.


In verses 97-104, the psalmist declares his love for the Law of God, meditating on it all day. It has given him more understanding and kept him from evil.


In verses 105-112, the psalmist sees God’s Word as a light to direct his path, and he vows to follow it. In his distress, he prays for the Lord to rescue him as he follows God’s Law faithfully.


In verses 113-120, the psalmist hates the double-minded but loves the Law because it is his refuge. He prays that the Lord will keep him safe as He destroys the wicked.


In verses 121-128, the psalmist prays for God to not abandon him to the wicked, to save him, and teach him God’s Law, so he will know how to act


In verses 129-136, the psalmist says God’s Word gives light and understanding. He prays that God will be gracious to him, keep iniquity from him, and redeem him from oppression.


In verses 137-144, the psalmist declares the righteousness of the Lord. He expresses zeal for the Word that comforts him even in the midst of trouble and anguish.


In verses 145-152, the psalmist asks the Lord to rescue him as he cries for help. The evil men who persecute him are closing in around him, yet he relies on the true Word of the Lord.


In verses 153-160, the psalmist calls on the Lord to deliver him in the midst of his anguish, according to His promise. The wicked are far from salvation, but the Lord’s mercy is great.

Sin & Shin

In verses 161-168, the psalmist’s heart is in awe of the Words of the Lord despite the princes who persecute him. He hates falsehood, but loves the Law, and prays for salvation as he meditates on the Law because he loves it.


In verses 169-176, the psalmist asks God to hear his cry and to deliver him according to His Word. He will praise the Lord and longs for salvation because he delights in God’s law.

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Tomorrow: 1 Kings 3-4

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