March 16


New Testament in a Year – Luke 10

By Ron

March 16, 2025

Luke, New Testament

Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-two - Luke 10:1-24

Understand It

  • In what manner were the seventy-two followers sent out? (10:1)
  • According to Jesus, why were His followers to pray for more workers? (10:2)
  • To what did Jesus liken His followers? (10:3)
  • What instructions did Jesus give the seventy-two concerning their departure? (10:4)
  • What were Jesus’ followers to do about accommodations? (10:5-8)
  • What were the seventy-two sent out to do? (10:9)
  • To what could unbelieving towns look forward? (10:10-15)
  • What did the disciples report upon their return? (10:17)
  • What authority did Jesus give His disciples? (10:18-19)
  • Why were the seventy-two to rejoice? (10:20)
  • What was the Father’s pleasure? (10:21-22)
  • Who was envious of the disciples? Why? (10:23-24)

Apply It

  • This week, how can you observe children to help you understand more of God’s revelation?
  • When can you set aside time to pray regularly to learn your place among those whom God has sent out?
  • Whom else can you encourage in your church or fellowship group to join you in prayer and service?

The Parable of the Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37

Understand It

  • What did the legal expert ask Jesus? (10:25)
  • Why did the legal expert ask a question about eternal life? (10:25)
  • How did Jesus turn the question back on the legal expert? (10:26)
  • How did the legal expert summarize the demands of the Law? (10:27)
  • What did the expert ask about loving one’s neighbor? (10:29)
  • What did the legal expert want to do? (10:29)
  • How did Jesus reply to the question, "Who is my neighbor?" (10:30-35)
  • What did the priest and the Levite do to help the man who was robbed and beaten? (10:31-32)
  • What was the Samaritan’s response to what he saw? (10:33-35)
  • Why did the Samaritan help the beaten man? (10:33)
  • What relationship did Jesus use to characterize the Samaritan’s behavior? (10:36)
  • How did the legal expert define the neighbor in the parable? (10:37)
  • What did Jesus command the expert to do in response to the parable? (10:37)

Apply It

  • What step can you take to help meet someone else’s physical needs?
  • What people who have helped you in times of need do you want to thank this week?

At the Home of Martha and Mary - Luke 10:38-42

Understand It

  • What did Martha do for Jesus and His disciples? (10:38)
  • Who was Mary? (10:39)
  • Where was Mary while Jesus was talking? (10:39)
  • What did Mary do while Martha attended to household preparations? (10:39-40)
  • How much could Martha concentrate on Jesus’ words while preparing for her guests? (10:40)
  • Of what did Martha accuse Jesus? (10:40)
  • Of what did Martha accuse her sister? (10:40)
  • What did Martha want Jesus to do? (10:40)
  • How did Jesus try to calm down Martha? (10:41)
  • What did Jesus think of the sisters’ choices? (10:41-42)

Apply It

  • What events or opportunities are coming up in which you can focus on being a student of Christ?
  • What steps can you take this week to help a friend with domestic tasks so that he or she can have more time to pray or read the Bible?

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