Day 11: Mark 3-5
Lord of the Sabbath - Mark 2:23-3:6
Understand It
- What did the disciples do that outraged the Pharisees? (2:24)
- What was Jesus’ response to the Pharisees’ charges? (2:25-27)
- According to Jesus, why were the disciples of both David and Jesus justified in breaking the Sabbath? (2:25-27)
Apply It
- In what settings are you able to "do good and save life"? How?
Crowds Follow Jesus - Mark 3:7-12
Understand It
- Why did Jesus want to leave? (3:7)
- Why were the crowds so interested in following Jesus? (3:7-12)
- What do the details of this story tell us about Jesus’ priorities? (3:7-12)
Apply It
- What need can you bring to Jesus? How could you do so?
The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles - Mark 3:13-19
Understand It
- What is the setting of this story? (3:13)
- What did Jesus expect of the men He designated apostles? (3:14-15)
- What was unusual about some of the men Jesus chose? (3:16-19)
Apply It
- What would be your first step toward learning from a more mature believer in your church?
The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles - Mark 3:13-19
Understand It
- What is the setting of this story? (3:13)
- What did Jesus expect of the men He designated apostles? (3:14-15)
- What was unusual about some of the men Jesus chose? (3:16-19)
Apply It
- What would be your first step toward learning from a more mature believer in your church?
Jesus' Mother and Brothers - Mark 3:31-35
Understand It
- Who wanted to see Jesus? Why? (3:31-32)
- What rhetorical question did Jesus ask? Why? (3:33)
- How did Jesus respond to the request by His mother and brothers? (3:33-34)
Apply It
- What could you do or say to help your family understand your faith in Christ?
The Parable of the Sower - Mark 4:1-20
Understand It
- What are the four scenes described in this parable? (4:3-10)
- To what was Jesus referring when He said, "The farmer sows the word"? (4:14)
- What are some obstacles that prevent people from accepting the gospel or hanging on to their faith? (4:15-19)
Apply It
- In what area of your life do you need to start listening to God?
A Lamp on a Stand - Mark 4:21-25
Understand It
- Why did Jesus warn us to "consider carefully" what we hear? (4:24)
- What will happen to those who use or put into practice what God has measured out to them? (4:24-25)
- What will happen to those who neglect or misuse the truth God has already revealed to them? (4:24-25)
Apply It
- What is one specific word of Jesus (a promise, truth, or command) that you can consciously remind yourself of throughout this next week?
The Parable of the Growing Seed - Mark 4:26-29
Understand It
- What do the man and the seed in the parable represent? (4:26-29)
- How did the man get the seed to grow? (4:28)
- To what does the phrase "the harvest is come" refer? (4:29)
Apply It
- What specific steps can you take to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to change others when you tell them about Christ?
The Parable of the Mustard Seed - Mark 4:30-34
Understand It
- How is the kingdom of God like a mustard seed? (4:32)
- What promise is given in this parable? (4:31-32)
- Why did Jesus use the smallest seed known to the Galilean farmers in His audience as the example in this parable? (4:31-32)
Apply It
- How can you get involved this week in spreading the Good News and participating in the growth of the kingdom of God?
Jesus Calms the Storm - Mark 4:35-41
Understand It
- Where did Jesus and His disciples go? How? (4:35-36)
- Why were the disciples surprised with Jesus? (4:37-38)
- Why did Jesus rebuke His disciples? (4:40)
Apply It
- How can you trust God this upcoming week with situations that get out of control or seem hopeless?
The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man - Mark 5:1-20
Understand It
- Why was the man Jesus met chained up? (5:4-5)
- What did Jesus do to help the demon-possessed man? (5:8-20)
- What request did Jesus deny? Why? (5:18-19)
Apply It
- What can you do this week to bring the message of Christ to a friend or coworker?
A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman - Mark 5:21-43
Understand It
- Who was Jairus, and why did he want to see Jesus? (5:22-23)
- Whom did Jesus tell not to be afraid and to "just believe"? Why? (5:35-36)
- Who witnessed the girl being raised from the dead by Jesus? (5:40-42)
Apply It
- With what concrete action can you show your faith in the Lord this week?
Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at
Tomorrow: Mark 6-8
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