January 18


Day 18: Luke 8-10

By Ron

January 18, 2025

90-Days, Luke, New Testament

The Parable of the Sower - Luke 8:1-15

Understand It

  • What happened to each group of seeds? (8:5-8)
  • Why couldn’t those who received the Word with joy stay faithful? (8:13)
  • How did the seed scattered on good soil fare? (8:15)

Apply It

  • What will most help you be responsive to God in your study of the Bible?

A Lamp on a Stand - Luke 8:16-18

Understand It

  • In what places would it be absurd to put a lamp? (8:16)
  • What is done with a lamp? (8:16)
  • What did Jesus say about what God entrusts to us? (8:18)

Apply It

  • What are some symbols you can use to show others your Christian identity?

Jesus' Mother and Brothers - Luke 8:19-21

Understand It

  • Who came to see Jesus? (8:19)
  • What kept Jesus’ family from seeing Him? (8:19)
  • What did Jesus consider more important than family? (8:21)

Apply It

  • With whom can you share your concerns about putting Scripture into practice so that he or she can pray for you?

Jesus Calms a Storm - Luke 8:22-25

Understand It

  • How did Jesus react to the growing storm? (8:23)
  • What did the disciples think of the turn of events? (8:24)
  • What emotions overwhelmed the disciples? (8:25)

Apply It

  • In what way can you show your assurance in God’s ability to rescue His people?

The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man - Luke 8:26-39

Understand It

  • What had the demon-possessed man’s life been like until he met Jesus? (8:27, 29)
  • How did the demon-possessed man react to Jesus? (8:28)
  • What emotion gripped all but the man who had been possessed by demons? (8:34-37)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week to be more aware of Jesus’ ability to help you with your most serious problems?

A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman - Luke 8:40-56

Understand It

  • What did Jairus want Jesus to do? (8:41-42)
  • What do we know about the sick woman? (8:43-44)
  • What commands did Jesus give before the girl was given new life? (8:50, 52, 54)

Apply It

  • For what people with long-term pain or other physical problems can you start to pray regularly?

Jesus Sends Out the Twelve - Luke 9:1-9

Understand It

  • What happened after Jesus had called the twelve disciples together? (9:1-2)
  • How did Jesus instruct the Twelve to proceed? (9:3-5)
  • What was the disciples’ response to Jesus’ instructions? (9:6)

Apply It

  • How can you prepare yourself this week for the future God has in mind for you?

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - Luke 9:10-17

Understand It

  • What did the apostles want to do with the crowd? (9:12)
  • What were the choices for feeding the crowds? (9:13)
  • What were the results of Jesus’ miracle? (9:17)

Apply It

  • What people in need living in your community can you take steps to help this month?

Peter's Confession of Christ - Luke 9:18-27

Understand It

  • What are the conditions for discipleship with Jesus? (9:23)
  • What kind of commitment does discipleship require? (9:24-25)
  • With what prediction did Jesus conclude His admonition to the disciples? (9:27)

Apply It

  • With whom can you pray this week for the purpose of denying yourself and following Jesus?

The Transfiguration - Luke 9:28-36

Understand It

  • What happened to Jesus while He was praying? (9:29)
  • How did Peter react to the amazing scene? (9:33)
  • How did the disciples handle their experience? (9:36)

Apply It

  • With what person or people could you share what you have learned from this passage?

The Healing of a Boy with an Evil Spirit - Luke 9:37-45

Understand It

  • What had the father tried to no avail? (9:40)
  • To what did Jesus attribute the disciples’ failure to heal the boy? (9:41)
  • How much did the disciples understand of what Jesus told them? (9:45)

Apply It

  • For those aspects of Jesus that you still don’t understand, what is one step you can take to learn more?

Who Will Be the Greatest? - Luke 9:46-50

Understand It

  • About what did the disciples argue? (9:46)
  • What did Jesus use to reply to the disciples’ ambition? (9:47)
  • What reason did Jesus give for connecting children with God? (9:48)

Apply It

  • What is one step you can take to subject your ambitions to the ambitions of Jesus?

Samaritan Opposition - Luke 9:51-56

Understand It

  • Why didn’t the Samaritans welcome Jesus? (9:53)
  • What did James and John want to bring down on the Samaritans? Why? (9:54)
  • What did Jesus think of His disciples’ suggestion? (9:55)

Apply It

  • What do you want to remember the next time you feel a desire to retaliate or get even?

The Cost of Following Jesus - Luke 9:57-62

Understand It

  • What did the second man want to do before following Jesus? (9:59)
  • What did the third person want to do before following Jesus? (9:61)
  • Who is not fit for the kingdom of God? (9:62)

Apply It

  • What would help you this week to remember your loyalty to Christ?

Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-two - Luke 10:1-24

Understand It

  • What were Jesus’ followers to do about accommodations? (10:5-8)
  • To what could unbelieving towns look forward? (10:10-15)
  • What authority did Jesus give His disciples? (10:18-19)

Apply It

  • When can you set aside time to pray regularly to learn your place among those whom God has sent out?

The Parable of the Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37

Understand It

  • What did the priest and the Levite do to help the man who was robbed and beaten? (10:31-32)
  • What was the Samaritan’s response to what he saw? (10:33-35)
  • How did the legal expert define the neighbor in the parable? (10:37)

Apply It

  • What step can you take to help meet someone else’s physical needs?

At the Home of Martha and Mary - Luke 10:38-42

Understand It

  • What did Mary do while Martha attended to household preparations? (10:39-40)
  • Of what did Martha accuse her sister? (10:40)
  • What did Jesus think of the sisters’ choices? (10:41-42)

Apply It

  • What steps can you take this week to help a friend with domestic tasks so that he or she can have more time to pray or read the Bible?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Luke 11-13

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