January 19


Day 19: Luke 11-13

By Ron

January 19, 2025

90-Days, Luke, New Testament

Jesus' Teaching on Prayer - Luke 11:1-13

Understand It

  • What was the disciple’s request? (11:1)
  • Why did the person in need go to the friend at midnight? (11:5-8)
  • Why did the friend eventually grant the man’s request? (11:8)

Apply It

  • Whom can you call today or tomorrow and offer to pray on his or her behalf?

Jesus and Beelzebub - Luke 11:14-28

Understand It

  • By whose power did some think Jesus could drive out demons? (11:15)
  • How did Jesus react to criticism? (11:17-20)
  • If a person is not with Jesus, what is his status? (11:23)

Apply It

  • What action can you take today to fill a void in your life with something good and holy?

The Sign of Jonah - Luke 11:29-32

Understand It

  • What did Jesus think of the generation in which He lived? (11:29)
  • What did Jesus’ generation want? (11:30)
  • What made the Queen of the South fit for judging the people of Jesus’ generation? (11:31)

Apply It

  • What can you do to be sensitive to the signs God has already given you in the Bible?

The Lamp of the Body - Luke 11:33-36

Understand It

  • What happens when the eyes are good? (11:34)
  • What happens when the eyes are bad? (11:34)
  • What is the result of having the whole body full of light? (11:36)

Apply It

  • To whom can you be a lamp this week, sharing what Jesus means to you? How?

Six Woes - Luke 11:37-54

Understand It

  • What surprised Jesus’ host? (11:38)
  • According to Jesus, what did the Pharisee emphasize and overlook? (11:39-40)
  • What did the Pharisees neglect in favor of tithing herbs? (11:42)

Apply It

  • Whom can you encourage to learn from God’s Word this week? How?

Warnings and Encouragements - Luke 12:1-12

Understand It

  • What did Jesus say His disciples should and should not fear? (12:4-5)
  • How was the disciples’ loyalty to Jesus linked to Jesus’ loyalty to them? (12:8-9)
  • How much were the disciples to prepare for their encounters with religious and political authorities? (12:11)

Apply It

  • What step can you take this week to prepare for persecution?

The Parable of the Rich Fool - Luke 12:13-21

Understand It

  • Against what did Jesus warn the crowd? Why? (12:13-15)
  • How did the rich man view his possessions and good fortune? (12:19)
  • What would become of the man’s abundance? (12:20)

Apply It

  • What is one step you can take this week to become less dependent on your possessions?

Do Not Worry - Luke 12:22-34

Understand It

  • About what are we not to worry? (12:22)
  • What are we to learn from birds? (12:24)
  • What does worrying accomplish? (12:25-26)

Apply It

  • When can you pray today to hand over your worries to God?

Watchfulness - Luke 12:35-48

Understand It

  • What did the men in the story do when their master returned? (12:36)
  • How long should the servants have been willing to wait? (12:38)
  • When do important things often happen? (12:39-40)

Apply It

  • What steps can you take toward fulfilling your God-given responsibilities this week?

Not Peace but Division - Luke 12:49-53

Understand It

  • What did Jesus come to bring? (12:49)
  • What, evidently, did most people think Jesus was bringing? (12:51)
  • Where would the division that Jesus brings be noticed? (12:52-53)

Apply It

  • What can you do to prepare for clashes over your beliefs?

Interpreting the Times - Luke 12:54-59

Understand It

  • What name did Jesus call the crowd? (12:56)
  • What didn’t the crowd know how to interpret? (12:56)
  • What did Jesus want His audience to do? (12:57)

Apply It

  • What spiritual discipline can you work on to help you listen to God’s Word?

Repent or Perish - Luke 13:1-9

Understand It

  • What did Jesus hear about a group of Galileans? (13:1)
  • What explanation for the tragedy did Jesus propose? (13:2)
  • What were Jesus’ listeners to learn from the two stories? (13:3-5)

Apply It

  • How can you show acceptance to one or two people who have been falsely judged as unrighteous for their circumstances?

A Crippled Woman Healed on the Sabbath - Luke 13:10-17

Understand It

  • Whom did Jesus see in the synagogue? (13:11)
  • Why was the synagogue ruler indignant? (13:14)
  • What example did Jesus give to justify His healing of the woman? (13:15-16)

Apply It

  • When can you evaluate your use of Sundays to make sure you allow for doing good?

The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast - Luke 13:18-21

Understand It

  • How did the mustard seed start out? (13:19)
  • What transformation did the mustard seed make? (13:19)
  • From what can we infer that the tree became a substantial plant? (13:19)

Apply It

  • What contribution to God’s kingdom can you make this week?

The Narrow Door - Luke 13:22-30

Understand It

  • According to Jesus, what is worth every effort to accomplish? (13:24)
  • What happens once the door is shut? (13:25)
  • How successful will attempts to enter the house be after the door is shut? (13:27)

Apply It

  • What can you do to keep your beliefs and responses to God faithful to His Word?

Jesus' Sorrow for Jerusalem - Luke 13:31-35

Understand It

  • Who came to Jesus? Why? (13:31)
  • How was Jesus in danger? (13:31)
  • What were Jesus’ goals? (13:32-33)

Apply It

  • What step can you take this week to get a clearer sense of God’s goals for you?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: 14-16

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