January 20


Day 20: Luke 14-16

By Ron

January 20, 2025

90-Days, Luke, New Testament

Jesus at a Pharisee's House - Luke 14:1-14

Understand It

  • How did most people seat themselves at a wedding feast? (14:8)
  • Whom was the host not to invite to a luncheon or dinner? (14:12)
  • In what way would the host be repaid? (14:14)

Apply It

  • What steps can you take to lessen the importance of position, title, or other status symbols in your life?

The Parable of the Great Banquet - Luke 14:15-24

Understand It

  • What excuses did people make? (14:18-20)
  • How did the master find out about the excuses? (14:21)
  • What was to become of the original guests? (14:24)

Apply It

  • Whom can you invite to the kingdom banquet? How?

The Cost of Being a Disciple - Luke 14:25-35

Understand It

  • What consequences result from not counting the cost before building? (14:29-30)
  • How did a king determine his odds in a war? (14:31)
  • How did Jesus use the examples of building a tower and preparing for war? (14:33)

Apply It

  • What relationships or other loyalties do you need to pray about to strengthen your loyalty to Jesus?

The Parable of the Lost Sheep - Luke 15:1-7

Understand It

  • What does a conscientious shepherd do when one of the flock is lost? (15:4)
  • What happens when a shepherd returns to his home and flock after finding a lost sheep? (15:6)
  • How does heaven react when a sinner repents? (15:7)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week to help a fellow believer who may be straying from God’s ways?

The Parable of the Lost Coin - Luke 15:8-10

Understand It

  • How do we know that the woman lost something valuable? (15:8)
  • What did the woman do when she finally found the lost coin? (15:9)
  • What emotions are obvious from the woman’s statement to her friends? (15:9)

Apply It

  • With whom do you want to share the news of God’s persistent love? How can you?

The Parable of the Lost Son - Luke 15:11-32

Understand It

  • How did the father respond to the younger son’s return home? (15:20)
  • Why did the father call for a celebration? (15:22-24)
  • What complaints did the older brother bring to his father? (15:29-30)

Apply It

  • To what "undeserving" person can you extend God’s love and forgiveness this week? How?

The Parable of the Shrewd Manager - Luke 16:1-15

Understand It

  • What plan did the manager devise to secure his future? (16:4-7)
  • How did the rich master react to the dishonest dealings of the manager? (16:8)
  • How does Jesus want us to use money? (16:9)

Apply It

  • What can you do during this next week to become a better steward of the resources God has given you?

Additional Teachings - Luke 16:16-18

Understand It

  • What relation does the section on divorce have to the previous verses about the Law? (16:18)
  • What two conditions constitute adultery? (16:18)
  • How does Jesus view divorce? (16:18)

Apply It

  • What could you do to help a person who is experiencing marriage difficulties?

The Rich Man and Lazarus - Luke 16:19-31

Understand It

  • What does this parable reveal about heaven and hell? (16:22-31)
  • What did the rich man see from his place in hell? (16:23)
  • What was the other reason why Lazarus could not help the rich man? (16:26)

Apply It

  • How many people like Lazarus do you know who could benefit from your compassion today?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Luke 17-19

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