January 25


Day 25: John 5-7

By Ron

January 25, 2025

90-Days, John, New Testament

The Healing at the Pool - John 5:1-15

Understand It

  • What did Jesus ask the invalid man? (5:6)
  • What did the Jews say to the healed man? Why? (5:10)
  • What did Jesus tell the man he had healed on their second encounter? (5:14)

Apply It

  • What "religious" rule that hinders your relationship with Christ will you make secondary to that relationship this week?

Life Through the Son - John 5:16-30

Understand It

  • What did Jesus say that the Son could do? (5:19)
  • Why did God entrust judgment to Christ? (5:23)
  • What did Jesus say the Father has in Himself that He has granted to the Son? (5:26)

Apply It

  • What steps can you take this week to enjoy more fully your relationship with your Heavenly Father?

Testimonies About Jesus - John 5:31-47

Understand It

  • Whose testimony did Jesus say was valid? (5:31-32)
  • What did Jesus say testified to the fact that the Father had sent Him? (5:36)
  • Why did the Jews study the Scriptures? (5:39)

Apply It

  • Starting today, how can you seek greater recognition for God’s ways?

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - John 6:1-15

Understand It

  • What question did Jesus ask Philip? (6:5)
  • What miracle did Jesus perform? (6:10-11)
  • How did the crowd of people respond to Jesus’ miracle? (6:14)

Apply It

  • What tough situation do you need to trust God to work out in your life this week?

Jesus Walks on the Water - John 6:16-24

Understand It

  • What miraculous feat did Jesus perform? (6:19)
  • How did the disciples react to what they saw? (6:19)
  • What miraculous event took place once Jesus entered the boat? (6:21)

Apply It

  • How will you depend on God the next time a threatening situation confronts you?

Jesus the Bread of Life - John 6:25-59

Understand It

  • Why did the crowd seek Jesus? (6:26)
  • What did Jesus say would be the result of coming to Him? (6:35)
  • What contrast does Jesus make between manna and the bread of life? (6:48-51, 58)

Apply It

  • What can you do today to rely on God, rather than on things or people, to satisfy your needs?

Many Disciples Desert Jesus - John 6:60-71

Understand It

  • How did many of Jesus’ disciples respond to His teaching? (6:60)
  • What did Jesus know? (6:64)
  • What was Peter’s reply to Jesus’ question? (6:68-69)

Apply It

  • What difficult teaching of Jesus will you ask God to help you understand and apply to your life?

Jesus Goes to the Feast of Tabernacles - John 7:1-13

Understand It

  • What did Jesus’ brothers tell Him to do? (7:3-4)
  • Why did Jesus say the world hated Him? (7:7)
  • What were people at the feast saying about Jesus? (7:12)

Apply It

  • In what area of your life do you need to ask God to help you boldly speak the truth?

Jesus Teaches at the Feast - John 7:14-24

Understand It

  • How did Jesus say someone could discover whether or not His teaching came from God? (7:17)
  • What did the crowd accuse Jesus of being? (7:20)
  • What did Jesus instruct His audience to do? (7:24)

Apply It

  • How can you put aside a prejudice in order to get to know a person you have misjudged?

Is Jesus the Christ? - John 7:25-44

Understand It

  • What questions did the people begin asking about Jesus? (7:25-26)
  • What reason did some of the people give for putting their faith in Jesus? (7:31)
  • What conclusions did the people come to about Jesus? (7:40-41)

Apply It

  • What specific thirst or longing do you need to trust Christ to satisfy this week?

Unbelief of the Jewish Leaders - John 7:45-52

Understand It

  • How can we infer that the temple guard recognized Jesus’ authority? (7:46)
  • To what group did Nicodemus belong? (7:50)
  • What claim did the Pharisees make about Galilee? (7:52)

Apply It

  • What groups that further the cause of Christ can you support? How?

A Woman Caught in Adultery - John 7:53-8:11

Understand It

  • What did the Law of Moses say should happen to the woman caught in adultery? (8:5)
  • Why did Jesus issue a challenge to the Pharisees? (8:7)
  • What did Jesus tell the woman to do? (8:11)

Apply It

  • What self-righteous attitude will you ask God to change in your prayers this week?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: John 8-10

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