January 26


Day 26: John 8-10

By Ron

January 26, 2025

90-Days, John, New Testament

The Validity of Jesus' Testimony - John 8:12-30

Understand It

  • Why did Jesus say His own testimony was valid? (8:14)
  • What two witnesses did Jesus claim testified on His behalf? (8:17-18)
  • At what point did Jesus say that the people would know who He was? (8:27-28)

Apply It

  • In what way can you testify on behalf of Jesus this week?

The Children of Abraham - John 8:31-41

Understand It

  • What did Jesus say the truth would do for those who knew it? (8:32)
  • Who did Jesus say is a slave to sin? (8:34)
  • What is the result of being freed by the Son? (8:36)

Apply It

  • How can you better enjoy your freedom in the Son?

The Children of the Devil - John 8:42-47

Understand It

  • Why did Jesus say that His language was unclear to His audience? (8:43)
  • What is the devil’s native language? (8:44)
  • What did Jesus say that the person who belonged to God heard? (8:47)

Apply It

  • What truth that is difficult for you to face will you ask God to help you confront today?

The Claims of Jesus About Himself - John 8:48-59

Understand It

  • Of what did the Jews accuse Jesus? (8:48)
  • Whom did Jesus claim to know? (8:55)
  • Why were the Jews so astonished by what Jesus said? (8:57)

Apply It

  • How can you seek God’s glory rather than your own in your work this week?

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind - John 9:1-12

Understand It

  • What question did Jesus’ disciples ask Him about the blind man’s condition? (9:2)
  • Why had this man been born blind? (9:3)
  • How did the blind man answer his neighbors’ question? (9:11)

Apply It

  • Through what shortcoming in your life will you ask God to glorify Himself today?

The Pharisees Investigate the Healing - John 9:13-34

Understand It

  • How did the blind man’s parents answer the Pharisees’ questions? (9:19-21)
  • How did the blind man respond to the Pharisees? (9:25)
  • What convinced the blind man that Jesus was from God? (9:33)

Apply It

  • How would you challenge someone this week who disputed the authority of God?

Spiritual Blindness - John 9:35-41

Understand It

  • What did Jesus ask the man who had been blind? (9:35)
  • Who did Jesus claim to be? (9:37)
  • What did the blind man do when Jesus told him who He was? (9:38)

Apply It

  • For what person who is spiritually blind will you pray that God would open his or her eyes?

The Shepherd and His Flock - John 10:1-21

Understand It

  • Why won’t sheep follow a stranger? (10:5)
  • How did Jesus contrast His coming with the coming of a thief? (10:10)
  • What did Jesus say He did for His sheep? (10:15)

Apply It

  • How can you be more attentive to the voice of Jesus?

The Unbelief of the Jews - John 10:22-42

Understand It

  • What question did the Jews ask Jesus? (10:22-24)
  • How did the Jews respond to Jesus’ claim? (10:31)
  • Why did Jesus say that the Jews should believe in His miracles? (10:38)

Apply It

  • What steps will you take to follow your Shepherd closely this week?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: John 11-13

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