January 27


Day 27: John 11-13

By Ron

January 27, 2025

90-Days, John, New Testament

The Death of Lazarus - John 11:1-16

Understand It

  • Why did Jesus say Lazarus was sick? (11:4)
  • How did the disciples misunderstand Jesus? (11:12)
  • Why did Jesus say that He was glad He wasn’t with Lazarus? (11:15)

Apply It

  • What shortcomings or weaknesses in your life will you give to God in prayer, that He may use them to bring glory to Himself?

Jesus Comforts the Sisters - John 11:17-37

Understand It

  • What did Martha say to Jesus about His having come after Lazarus had died? (11:21-22)
  • What did Jesus say would happen to those who believed in Him? (11:26)
  • How did Jesus respond to the weeping by Mary and the others? (11:33-35)

Apply It

  • What attitude of disappointment do you need to confess to God and change to trust in His sovereign control?

Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead - John 11:38-44

Understand It

  • What did Jesus tell the others to do? (11:39)
  • How did Jesus show Martha the importance of her belief? (11:40)
  • How did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead? (11:43-44)

Apply It

  • What specific situation do you need to trust God to work out in your life?

The Plot to Kill Jesus - John 11:45-57

Understand It

  • What did the Sanhedrin fear? (11:47-48)
  • How did Caiaphas prophesy? (11:51-52)
  • What orders had the chief priests and Pharisees given to the people? (11:57)

Apply It

  • What self-centered motive will you ask God to help you change?

Jesus Anointed at Bethany - John 12:1-11

Understand It

  • What was done in honor of Jesus in Bethany? (12:2)
  • How did Judas respond to Mary’s act? (12:4-5)
  • Why did Jesus say that Mary had anointed Him with perfume? (12:7)

Apply It

  • How can you worship and honor God with your resources today?

The Triumphal Entry - John 12:12-19

Understand It

  • How did the crowd greet Jesus when He arrived in Jerusalem? (12:13)
  • What did the crowd that was with Jesus do when He raised Lazarus? (12:17)
  • Why did many of the people go out to meet Jesus? (12:18)

Apply It

  • How will you honor and worship Jesus with your life today?

Jesus Predicts His Death - John 12:20-36

Understand It

  • What did Jesus say about loving and hating life? (12:25)
  • Why didn’t Jesus ask the Father to save Him? (12:27)
  • What did Jesus say would happen when He was lifted up? (12:32)

Apply It

  • What is one change you can make in your life to become more attentive to the needs of others over your own?

The Jews Continue in Their Unbelief - John 12:37-50

Understand It

  • Why couldn’t the Jews of Jesus’ day believe in Him? (12:39-40)
  • Why didn’t the leaders who did believe in Jesus admit their faith? (12:42-43)
  • What did Jesus say would condemn the person who did not accept His words? (12:48)

Apply It

  • To whom do you need to admit your faith in Jesus, regardless of the consequences? When can you?

Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet - John 13:1-17

Understand It

  • What did Peter declare he would never allow? (13:8)
  • What did Jesus tell His disciples they should do? (13:12-15)
  • What is the difference between servants and masters? (13:16)

Apply It

  • Whose service do you need to accept the next time he or she offers?

Jesus Predicts His Betrayal - John 13:18-30

Understand It

  • Why was Jesus troubled? (13:21)
  • How did Jesus answer the beloved disciple’s question? (13:26)
  • What did the other disciples think Jesus was telling Judas to do? (13:28-29)

Apply It

  • What is the first step you can take toward building trust in one personal relationship this week?

Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial - John 13:31-38

Understand It

  • What did Jesus command His disciples to do? (13:34)
  • How did Jesus say people would know His disciples? (13:35)
  • What did Peter pledge to do? (13:37)

Apply It

  • Who is someone you need to love as Christ has loved you? How?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: John 14-16

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