January 28


Day 28: John 14-16

By Ron

January 28, 2025

90-Days, John, New Testament

Jesus Comforts His Disciples - John 14:1-4

Understand It

  • How didn’t Jesus want His disciples to respond to His departure? (14:1)
  • What is in God’s house? (14:2)
  • What did Jesus tell His disciples that He would do for them? (14:3)

Apply It

  • What can you do today to prepare yourself for an eternity with Jesus?

Jesus the Way to the Father - John 14:5-14

Understand It

  • What did Jesus tell Thomas that He was? (14:6)
  • What did Jesus ask Philip in response to Philip’s request to be shown the Father? (14:9)
  • What evidence did Jesus use to prove that He is in the Father and the Father is in Him? (14:11)

Apply It

  • Whom do you need to tell about the way Jesus offers a relationship with God?

Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit - John 14:15-31

Understand It

  • What did Jesus say He would ask God to give His disciples? (14:16)
  • What did Jesus say the Counselor would do? (14:25-26)
  • Why were the disciples to be glad that Jesus was leaving them? (14:28)

Apply It

  • What can you do today to experience and enjoy the peace Jesus has given you?

The Vine and the Branches - John 15:1-17

Understand It

  • What did Jesus urge His disciples to do? (15:9)
  • What is the greatest manifestation of love? (15:13)
  • Why did Jesus call His disciples friends? (15:15)

Apply It

  • How can you be a better friend to Jesus beginning today?

The World Hates the Disciples - John 15:18-16:4

Understand It

  • What did Jesus want His disciples to keep in mind? (15:18)
  • What did the world’s hatred fulfill? (15:25)
  • What was going to happen to the disciples for following Christ? (16:2-3)

Apply It

  • How should you adjust your expectations of being accepted by non-Christians?

The Work of the Holy Spirit - John 16:5-16

Understand It

  • What would the Counselor do for the world? (16:8)
  • What did Jesus say about the prince of this world? (16:11)
  • What would the Spirit of truth do for Jesus’ disciples when He came? (16:12-14)

Apply It

  • How can you seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in reaching people who are dead in their sins?

The Disciples' Grief Will Turn to Joy - John 16:17-33

Understand It

  • What did Jesus tell His disciples would happen to them? (16:19-20)
  • From where did Jesus come and to where was He going? (16:28)
  • Why did Jesus tell the disciples to take heart? (16:33)

Apply It

  • In the midst of trouble, on what encouraging truth from this passage will you rely?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: John 17-19

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