January 29


Day 29: John 17-19

By Ron

January 29, 2025

90-Days, John, New Testament

Jesus Prays for Himself - John 17:1-5

Understand It

  • Why did Jesus want the Father to glorify the Son? (17:1)
  • For what purpose did God grant Jesus authority over all people? (17:2)
  • How did Jesus bring God glory on earth? (17:4)

Apply It

  • What can you do today to bring God glory?

Jesus Prays for His Disciples - John 17:6-19

Understand It

  • Why did Jesus pray for His disciples? (17:9)
  • Why did the world hate Jesus’ disciples? (17:14)
  • What relationship did Jesus’ disciples have with the world? (17:16)

Apply It

  • What change in your life-style do you need to make to distinguish your identity from that of the world?

Jesus Prays for All Believers - John 17:20-26

Understand It

  • Why did Jesus want all believers to be one? (17:21)
  • What did Jesus want the world to know? (17:23)
  • Why was Jesus going to continue to make the Father known? (17:26)

Apply It

  • What can you do to promote unity among fellow Christians?

Jesus Arrested - John 18:1-11

Understand It

  • How did Judas know about the place where Jesus and His disciples had gone? (18:2)
  • How did people react when Jesus identified Himself? (18:6-7)
  • What did Jesus tell the soldiers and officials to do? (18:8)

Apply It

  • What do you want to remember about Christ the next time someone lets you down?

Jesus Taken to Annas - John 18:12-14

Understand It

  • To whom was Jesus taken first? (18:13)
  • What duty was Caiaphas fulfilling that year? (18:13)
  • About what had Caiaphas advised the Jews? (18:14)

Apply It

  • How should you pray for the religious authorities in your church or denomination this week?

Peter's First Denial - John 18:15-18

Understand It

  • How did Peter get into the courtyard? (18:16)
  • How did Peter reply to the question about his association with Jesus? (18:17)
  • With whom did Peter warm himself inside the courtyard? (18:18)

Apply It

  • What can you do to affirm your relationship with Jesus Christ before others?

The High Priest Questions Jesus - John 18:19-24

Understand It

  • To whom did Jesus tell the high priest he should ask his questions? (18:21)
  • Why did one of the officials strike Jesus? (18:22)
  • What did Jesus say in response to being hit? (18:23)

Apply It

  • What is one truth you need to speak today regardless of the consequences?

Peter's Second and Third Denials - John 18:25-27

Understand It

  • How did Peter respond to the question about his association with Jesus? (18:25)
  • Who challenged Peter’s statement? (18:25)
  • What happened the moment Peter denied knowing Christ a third time? (18:27)

Apply It

  • Under what circumstances do you need to determine to live openly as a follower of Christ?

Jesus Before Pilate—John 18:28–40

Understand It

  • What did Pilate want the Jews to do with Jesus? (18:31)
  • How did Jesus affirm Pilate? (18:37)
  • What choice did Pilate present to the Jews? (18:38–39)

Apply It

  • In what settings might you need to stand up for the truth this week regardless of the consequences?

Jesus Sentenced to be Crucified - John 19:1-16

Understand It

  • Why did the Jews insist that Jesus had to die? (19:7)
  • How did the Jews pressure Pilate to give in to their demand to crucify Jesus? (19:12)
  • How did Pilate respond to the Jews’ pressure tactics? (19:13-16)

Apply It

  • What pressure to compromise your principles will you determine to resist this week?

The Crucifixion - John 19:17-27

Understand It

  • What did the soldiers do to Jesus? (19:18)
  • How did the chief priests want Pilate to change the sign over Jesus’ head? (19:21)
  • What happened to Jesus’ clothes? (19:23-24)

Apply It

  • What want or desire can you sacrifice so that someone else might benefit? How?

The Death of Jesus - John 19:28-37

Understand It

  • What did Jesus know during His last moments on the cross? (19:28)
  • What did Jesus do once He had received the drink? (19:30)
  • What was fulfilled by the circumstances of Jesus’ death? (19:36-37)

Apply It

  • How can you thank Jesus today for His sacrifice on the cross?

The Burial of Jesus - John 19:38-42

Understand It

  • Why did Joseph go to see Pilate? (19:38)
  • Why was Joseph a secret disciple? (19:38)
  • What was significant about the person who went with Joseph to take away Jesus’ body? (19:39)

Apply It

  • To whom do you want to reveal openly that you are a disciple of Jesus?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: John 20-21, Acts 1

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