The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost - Acts 2:1-13
Understand It
- When the Holy Spirit filled the believers, what did they do? (2:4)
- How did the God-fearing Jews visiting Jerusalem react when they heard Christians speaking their languages? (2:6-11)
- Besides being amazed, how did the crowd react to the unusual happening they witnessed? (2:12-13)
Apply It
- How can you be more open to seeing, hearing, and feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit in your prayer and Bible reading?
Peter Addresses the Crowd - Acts 2:14-41
Understand It
- What did Peter say about Jesus of Nazareth? (2:22-24)
- How did Peter explain Christ’s work as Messiah? (2:25-35)
- How did the hearers respond to Peter’s words? (2:37)
Apply It
- How can you prepare your friends and neighbors for the news that Christ can change their lives?
The Fellowship of the Believers - Acts 2:42-47
Understand It
- What were the activities of the early church? (2:42)
- What unusual deeds did the apostles do? (2:43)
- How did people respond to what was going on? (2:43)
Apply It
- What can you do to help your church be more like the early church?
Peter Heals the Crippled Beggar - Acts 3:1-10
Understand It
- Why did the crippled man spend every day at the gate called Beautiful? (3:2)
- What did the beggar do when he saw Peter and John approaching? (3:3)
- What did Peter say to the beggar? (3:4-6)
Apply It
- How can you be prepared to help a person in need this week?
Peter Speaks to the Onlookers - Acts 3:11-26
Understand It
- How did Peter set the scene to speak out against the actions of those who crucified Jesus? (3:13-15)
- What did Peter tell his audience to do in order to be forgiven of their sins? (3:19)
- How did Peter offer hope to his audience in spite of his warnings? (3:24-26)
Apply It
- How can you be bold in encouraging others to come to Christ?
Peter and John Before the Sanhedrin - Acts 4:1-22
Understand It
- How did the authorities respond to Peter and John? (4:13-14)
- After the Sanhedrin consulted together, what action did they take against the apostles? (4:15-17)
- What was the apostles’ reply to the judgment handed down by the council? (4:18-20)
Apply It
- In what way could you strengthen your sense of courage about being a Christian in your place of work, neighborhood, or family?
The Believers' Prayer - Acts 4:23-31
Understand It
- Where did Peter and John go after they were released by the Sanhedrin? (4:23)
- How did the believers respond to the apostles’ report? (4:24)
- What did the Christians ask God to do? (4:29-30)
Apply It
- What changes can you make in your personal prayer life today?
The Believers Share Their Possessions - Acts 4:32-37
Understand It
- What attitude did the believers have toward one another? (4:32)
- What did some better-off Christians do from time to time? (4:34-35)
- What was exemplary about Barnabas? (4:36-37)
Apply It
- What can you do to show Christian generosity to someone in need this week?