February 4


Day 35: Acts 14-16

By Ron

February 4, 2025

90-Days, Acts, New Testament

In Iconium - Acts 14:1-7

Understand It

  • How did unbelievers oppose what Paul and Barnabas were doing? (14:2)
  • How did the apostles respond to the opposition? (14:3)
  • How was the city divided? (14:4)

Apply It

  • How can you support those whom God has called to lead your church?

In Lystra and Derbe - Acts 14:8-20

Understand It

  • How did the crowd respond to what Paul had done? (14:11-13)
  • Why did Paul and Barnabas tear their clothes? (14:14)
  • What was the apostles’ message to the crowd? (14:15-17)

Apply It

  • What can you do to direct people’s attention to Christ and away from you?

The Return to Antioch in Syria - Acts 14:21-28

Understand It

  • What did Paul and Barnabas do in Derbe? (14:21)
  • Why did Paul and Barnabas retrace their steps to Antioch? (14:22)
  • What encouragement and help did the apostles give the new Christians? (14:22-23)

Apply It

  • What younger Christian can you encourage this week? How?

The Council at Jerusalem - Acts 15:1-21

Understand It

  • Who came to Antioch? Why? (15:1)
  • How did the apostles determine to resolve the problem in Antioch? (15:2)
  • How did James summarize his views? (15:13-21)

Apply It

  • Where can you get help resolving an issue about which you are unsure?

The Council's Letter to Gentile Believers - Acts 15:22-35

Understand It

  • What was the letter to Gentile believers about? (15:24-29)
  • How did the Christians in Antioch respond to the message from Jerusalem? (15:31)
  • When Judas and Silas left for Jerusalem, what kind of send-off were they given? (15:33)

Apply It

  • What difficult relationship should you improve this week for the sake of Christ? How?

Disagreement Between Paul and Barnabas - Acts 15:36-41

Understand It

  • What did Barnabas want to do? (15:37)
  • Why didn’t Paul want Mark to accompany the apostles on their trip? (15:38)
  • What did the apostles do about their difference of opinion? (15:39-40)

Apply It

  • What step can you take toward resolving an old disagreement with another Christian? When?

Timothy Joins Paul and Silas - Acts 16:1-5

Understand It

  • Who visited Derbe and then Lystra? (16:1)
  • What was Timothy’s parentage? (16:1)
  • What did Timothy have to do in order to minister with Paul? (16:3)

Apply It

  • How do you need to open your heart and home to Christians who are ethnically different from you?

Paul's Vision of the Man of Macedonia - Acts 16:6-10

Understand It

  • How did God guide the missionaries in their travels? (16:6-7)
  • What did the missionaries do after they understood what God wanted them to do? (16:10)
  • When did Paul and his companions respond to God’s instructions? (16:10)

Apply It

  • What is one thing you can do to make yourself responsive to God and His will?

Lydia's Conversion in Philippi - Acts 16:11-15

Understand It

  • How did Lydia respond to Paul’s words? (16:14)
  • After Lydia became a believer, what did she and her household do? (16:15)
  • What did Lydia offer Paul and his group after her baptism? (16:15)

Apply It

  • How can you share your home and possessions with those called to the ministry?

Paul and Silas in Prison - Acts 16:16-40

Understand It

  • What was distinctive about the slave girl that Paul and his companions met? (16:16)
  • How did the demon-possessed girl damage Paul’s ministry? (16:17-18)
  • Why were the owners of the slave girl angry with Paul and Silas? (16:19)

Apply It

  • What can you pray about this week to put a check on evil in your place of work, neighborhood, or community?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Acts 17-19

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