February 6


Day 37: Acts 20-22

By Ron

February 6, 2025

90-Days, Acts, New Testament

Through Macedonia and Greece - Acts 20:1-6

Understand It

  • Why did Paul travel so much? (20:1-6)
  • What did Paul do while he was in Macedonia? (20:2)
  • Who were Paul’s traveling companions on his journey? (20:4-5)

Apply It

  • Where and when could you write down your thoughts as you reflect on God’s Word each day this week?

Eutychus Raised From the Dead at Troas - Acts 20:7-12

Understand It

  • What made it hard for Eutychus to stay awake? (20:8-9)
  • What happened when Eutychus fell sound asleep? (20:9)
  • What did Paul say to the group when he embraced Eutychus? (20:10)

Apply It

  • What are some steps you can take to be alert and thoughtful in church each Sunday?

Paul's Farewell to the Ephesian Elders - Acts 20:13-38

Understand It

  • What did Paul say in review of his ministry in Ephesus? (20:18-21)
  • What made Paul "innocent of the blood of all men"? (20:26-27)
  • What were the future responsibilities of the Ephesian elders? (20:28-35)

Apply It

  • Who is one other believer for whom you can be a "shepherd" or guide this week? How?

On to Jerusalem - Acts 21:1-16

Understand It

  • At Tyre, what did the Christians advise Paul to do? (21:4)
  • Why did Paul ignore the believers’ warning? (21:5-6)
  • What did Paul say to the Christians at Caesarea? (21:13-14)

Apply It

  • What decision do you stand by even though some others don’t approve of your choice?

Paul's Arrival at Jerusalem - Acts 21:17-26

Understand It

  • What did Paul report? To whom? (21:18-19)
  • What concern did the church leaders voice? (21:20)
  • What did the leaders of the church suggest that Paul do? Why? (21:22-24)

Apply It

  • In what situations will you need to adjust your behavior for the sake of others? How?

Paul Arrested - Acts 21:27-36

Understand It

  • Who stirred up the crowd and seized Paul? Why? (21:27-29)
  • Why were the temple gates shut? (21:30-31)
  • How did the commander and his soldiers save Paul’s life? (21:32)

Apply It

  • What "false reports" about Christianity can you help dispel? How?

Paul Speaks to the Crowd - Acts 21:37-22:21

Understand It

  • What did Paul ask as he was about to be taken away? (21:37)
  • What language did the Apostle use in speaking to the crowd? (21:40)
  • How did Paul address his audience? (22:1)

Apply It

  • *What words, gestures, or practices can you use to show respect in how you speak to others?

Paul the Roman Citizen - Acts 22:22-29

Understand It

  • How did Paul anger the crowd? (22:22)
  • How did the mob express their intense anger? (22:23)
  • Why did the commander order that Paul be taken away and beaten? (22:24)

Apply It

  • For whose salvation will you pray each day this week?

Before the Sanhedrin - Acts 22:30-23:11

Understand It

  • What bold claims did Paul make? (23:1)
  • What order did Ananias give? (23:2)
  • What did Paul say in reaction to the high priest’s illegal command? (23:3)

Apply It

  • What reminder can you use to help you be wise with your words this week?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Acts 23-25

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