February 7


Day 38: Acts 23:11-25:27

By Ron

February 7, 2025

90-Days, Acts, New Testament

Before the Sanhedrin (cont’d) - Acts 23:1-23:11

Understand It

  • Who took an oath? Why? (23:12)
  • When Paul’s nephew heard about the plot, what did he do? (23:16)
  • How was the young man able to go before the commander? (23:17-18)

Apply It

  • In what setting this week will you need to be prepared to stand up for the truth?

Paul Transferred to Caesarea - Acts 23:23-35

Understand It

  • What orders did the commander give to get Paul away from danger? (23:23-24)
  • Who wrote a letter to whom? Why? (23:25-30)
  • When the cavalry and Paul arrived, what did the governor do? (23:33-35)

Apply It

  • As a Christian, what is one way you can protect the rights of the poor and weak?

The Trial Before Felix - Acts 24:1-27

Understand It

  • Who went to Caesarea? Why? (24:1-8)
  • What did Felix do about Paul’s case? (24:22-23)
  • Why did Paul languish in prison for over two years? (24:26-27)

Apply It

  • How can you show patience with the changes for which you are still waiting?

The Trial Before Festus - Acts 25:1-12

Understand It

  • What did the Jewish leaders want? (25:2)
  • Why did the leaders want Paul transferred from Caesarea to Jerusalem? (25:3)
  • How did Festus reply to the request to transfer Paul? (25:4-5)

Apply It

  • What person or situation can you place in God’s hands this week as a discipline against turning events to your own ends?

Festus Consults King Agrippa - Acts 25:13-22

Understand It

  • What motivated Festus to bring up Paul’s case to King Agrippa? (25:14-21)
  • In reviewing the case with Agrippa, what did Festus say was the main charge against Paul? (25:17-19)
  • How did Agrippa respond to the governor’s story? (25:22)

Apply It

  • In what difficult situation do you want to remember that God is sovereignly in control?

Paul Before Agrippa - Acts 25:23-26:27 (continues tomorrow)

Understand It

  • How did Agrippa and Bernice use the occasion of their meeting with Paul to display their position and power? (25:23)
  • How was this meeting a fulfillment of the prophecy in Luke 21:12? (25:23)
  • How had Festus become tangled in a difficulty of his own making? (25:25-27)

Apply It

  • What story of God’s working in your life can you rehearse for sharing with others?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Acts 26-28

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