February 12


Day 43: Romans 10-12

By Ron

February 12, 2025

90-Days, New Testament, Romans

Israel's Unbelief - Romans 9:30-10:21

Understand It

  • What kept Israel from obtaining righteousness? (9:31-32)
  • What distinctions did Paul note in the way that Jews and Gentiles obtain their salvation? (10:12-13)
  • How did Paul answer the argument that the Jews have not had adequate opportunity to hear God’s message? (10:18-21)

Apply It

  • When could you spend extended time in prayer to bring before God those groups or peoples who have shown little interest in the gospel?

The Remnant of Israel - Romans 11:1-10

Understand It

  • How did God answer Elijah’s call to destroy Israel? (11:2-4)
  • What has God chosen by grace? (11:5)
  • What prevented Israel from responding to God as the elect had responded? (11:7-9)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week to encourage a Christian who feels outnumbered or overwhelmed?

Ingrafted Branches - Romans 11:11-24

Understand It

  • What long illustration did Paul use to describe the situation of the Jews and Gentiles? (11:16-24)
  • To what did Paul liken the Gentiles? (11:17)
  • What is promised to Jews who do not persist in unbelief? (11:23)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week to acknowledge that you depend on God’s kindness?

All Israel Will Be Saved - Romans 11:25-32

Understand It

  • When would Israel’s period of hardening end? (11:25)
  • What promise has God made to Israel? (11:26-27)
  • What has been the good result of the disobedience and unbelief of the Jews? (11:30)

Apply It

  • Which of God’s promises do you need to focus on and memorize this week?

Doxology - Romans 11:33-36

Understand It

  • How did Paul describe the mind of God? (11:33-34)
  • What does God owe? (11:35)
  • What is God’s place in the universe? (11:36)

Apply It

  • How can you worship and praise God with enthusiasm and devotion this week?

Living Sacrifices - Romans 12:1-8

Understand It

  • How is the Christian to be different from unbelieving people? (12:2)
  • What did Paul use the human body to illustrate? (12:4-5)
  • How should each person use his or her gifts? (12:6-8)

Apply It

  • How can you put a spiritual gift to work for others this week?

Love - Romans 12:9-21

Understand It

  • What down-to-earth advice did Paul give? (12:9-21)
  • In what ways ought we to treat others as more important than ourselves? (12:10, 13, 16, 20)
  • With whom does God want us to live at peace? (12:18)

Apply It

  • In what ways can you honor someone above yourself? Who?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Romans 13-15

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