January 5


Day 5: Matthew 13-15

By Ron

January 5, 2025

90-Days, Matthew, New Testament

The Parable of the Sower - Matthew 13:1-23

Understand It

  • Whom did Jesus liken to seed along the path? Why? (13:19)
  • According to Christ, who is like the seed sown on rocky soil? Why? (13:20-21)
  • What kind of people were compared to seed sown among the thorns? Why? (13:22)

Apply It

  • What one action could you do this week to improve the way you listen to God’s Word?

The Parable of the Weeds - Matthew 13:24-30

Understand It

  • What did the servants volunteer to do for the owner of the field? (13:28)
  • On what grounds did the owner turn down the servant’s suggestion? (13:29)
  • What plan of action did the owner choose? (13:30)

Apply It

  • In what ways do you need to alter your life-style (either attitude or action) today in order to be more like wheat and less like a weed?

The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast - Matthew 13:31-35

Understand It

  • To what kind of seed did Christ compare the kingdom of heaven? Why? (13:31-32)
  • How does the mustard seed compare to others in size? (13:32)
  • What is a mustard seed like when it is fully grown? (13:32)

Apply It

  • What is one way you could quietly help the gospel permeate your family, workplace, or circle of friends?

The Parable of the Weeds Explained - Matthew 13:36-43

Understand It

  • In the Parable of the Weeds, whom did the sower represent? How? (13:37)
  • What did the field represent? In what way? (13:38)
  • What groups of people are illustrated by good seed and weeds? (13:38)

Apply It

  • In what ways can you "shine like the sun" in your contacts with unbelievers?

The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl - Matthew 13:44-46

Understand It

  • What is like treasure hidden in a field? How? (13:44)
  • How did the man feel when he discovered the treasure? (13:44)
  • How did the man who found the pearl react to its discovery? (13:47)

Apply It

  • What first step will you take today to recover the joy of knowing Christ?

The Parable of the Net - Matthew 13:47-52

Understand It

  • To what did Jesus compare the kingdom of heaven? (13:47)
  • How was the net used, and what was the result? (13:47)
  • Why did Jesus use this analogy? (13:49)

Apply It

  • How can you show your gratitude to God today for making you a "good fish"?

A Prophet Without Honor - Matthew 13:53-58

Understand It

  • What did Jesus do in His hometown? (13:54)
  • How did the people feel about "one of their own" saying wise things and doing amazing miracles? (13:57)
  • What did Jesus not do in Nazareth—at least in any great amount? Why? (13:58)

Apply It

  • What family members or old friends will you commit to visit or call in the next month to tell them about the change Christ is making in you?

John the Baptist Beheaded - Matthew 14:1-12

Understand It

  • Why did Herod put John in prison? (14:3)
  • Why didn’t Herod act on his wishes? (14:5)
  • Why did Herod carry out the execution of John? (14:9)

Apply It

  • What can you do to strengthen yourself against peer pressure this week?

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - Matthew 14:13-21

Understand It

  • What did the disciples want Jesus to tell the crowds? Why? (14:15)
  • How did Jesus respond to the disciples’ suggestion? (14:16)
  • How large a crowd was fed? (14:21)

Apply It

  • What gift, ability, or resource (no matter how insignificant) will you give to God today so that he can bless it and multiply it?

Jesus Walks on the Water - Matthew 14:22-36

Understand It

  • What conditions were the disciples encountering? (14:24)
  • What miracle did Christ perform? (14:25)
  • How did the disciples react to what they saw? (14:26)

Apply It

  • In what practical way can you demonstrate faith as you go through the coming week?

Clean and Unclean - Matthew 15:1-20

Understand It

  • What was wrong with the Pharisees? (15:7-9)
  • How did Jesus shift the emphasis away from external issues like unclean and clean foods? (15:10-11)
  • How did Jesus redefine "unclean"? (15:17-20)

Apply It

  • This week, what could help you keep your focus on Christ rather than mere outward conformity to rules?

The Faith of the Canaanite Woman - Matthew 15:21-28

Understand It

  • What reason did Jesus give for being reluctant to help the woman? (15:26)
  • What quick and insightful reply did the woman make to Christ? (15:27)
  • How did Jesus praise the woman? (15:28)

Apply It

  • What long-term, unanswered prayer request do you need to continue bringing before God on a regular basis?

Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand - Matthew 15:29-39

Understand It

  • What note of concern did Jesus share with His disciples after He healed the people? (15:32)
  • Where did Jesus turn to feed the crowd? (15:34)
  • How much food was left over? (15:37)

Apply It

  • How does God want you to meet the physical needs of someone in your life?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Matthew 16-18

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