Spiritual Blessings in Christ - Ephesians 1:1-14
There is a short introduction available for the book of Ephesians. You can read it here.
Understand It
- How has God blessed believers? (1:3)
- What does the work of Christ do for the believer? (1:7)
- What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those called to receive spiritual blessings in Christ? (1:13-14)
Apply It
- How can you say thank you to God this week for what He has done for you?
Thanksgiving and Prayer - Ephesians 1:15-23
Understand It
- What motivated Paul to pray for the Ephesians? (1:15-16)
- Why did Paul ask that the Ephesians’ hearts would continue to be enlightened? (1:18)
- What did God place under Christ’s control? (1:22)
Apply It
- What people in need could you remember in your prayers this week?
Made Alive in Christ - Ephesians 2:1-10
Understand It
- What three characteristics mark the condition of a person without Christ? (2:2-3)
- Why did God make those who were dead alive with Christ? (2:4-5)
- Why can no one boast in his own salvation? (2:8-9)
Apply It
- With whom can you share the news of God’s mercy? How?
One in Christ - Ephesians 2:11-22
Understand It
- How did Christ’s work on the cross transform the condition of the Gentiles? (2:13)
- In Christ, how did the Gentiles achieve new spiritual and social status? (2:19)
Apply It
- How can you show God’s love to an "outsider" this week?
Paul the Preacher to the Gentiles - Ephesians 3:1-13
Understand It
- To what mystery did Paul refer? (3:2-3)
- How did Paul reveal the mystery of Christ? (3:6)
- How did God accomplish His plan? (3:11)
Apply It
- What can you do this week to help others understand the mystery of Christ’s provision for sin?
A Prayer for the Ephesians - Ephesians 3:14-21
Understand It
- What did Paul request of the Father? (3:16)
- How would Christ dwell in the believers’ hearts? (3:17)
- How did Paul close his prayer? (3:20-21)
Apply It
- How could you include Paul’s doxology as a part of your personal devotion each day?