January 8


Day 8: Matthew 22-24

By Ron

January 8, 2025

90-Days, Matthew, New Testament

The Parable of the Wedding Banquet - Matthew 22:1-14

Understand It

  • How did people respond to the king’s invitation? (22:3)
  • How did the invited guests react to the king’s second appeal? (22:5)
  • Why did the king throw out the unwelcome wedding guest? (22:13-14)

Apply It

  • What response should you give to God this week?

Paying Taxes to Caesar - Matthew 22:15-22

Understand It

  • What did Jesus say to the men who questioned Him? (22:18)What object did Jesus use to illustrate His answer? How? (22:19-20)
  • How did Jesus answer the question without getting Himself in political hot water? (22:21)
  • How did Jesus’ opponents respond to Jesus’ words? (22:22)

Apply It

  • What neglected civic responsibilities do you need to begin fulfilling today?

Marriage at the Resurrection - Matthew 22:23-33

Understand It

  • What group confronted or opposed Jesus? How? (22:23)
  • What distinctive belief did the Sadducees hold? (22:23)
  • What two important facts did Jesus charge the Sadducees with not knowing? (22:29)

Apply It

  • What area of Bible doctrine will you read about and study this week?

The Greatest Commandment - Matthew 22:34-40

Understand It

  • What specific question did the man ask Jesus? (22:36)
  • How did Jesus answer the Pharisee’s question? (22:37)
  • What important footnote did Jesus add to His answer? (22:39)

Apply It

  • What loving act will you plan to do soon for a neighbor in need?

Whose Son Is the Christ? - Matthew 22:41-46

Understand It

  • What religious group had gathered? Why? (22:41)
  • What questions did Jesus ask? (22:42)
  • How did Jesus enlighten the Pharisees? (22:43-44)

Apply It

  • What can you do (or stop doing) this week to become more effective in introducing your non-Christian friends to Christ?

Seven Woes - Matthew 23:1-39

Understand It

  • Of what did Jesus accuse the religious leaders? (23:3)
  • What eternal destiny did Jesus pronounce on religious hypocrites? (23:13)
  • What evidence of twisted priorities among the religious elite did Jesus give? (23:23-26)

Apply It

  • What older, more mature Christian can you spend time with this week to seek advice and wisdom?

Signs of the End of the Age - Matthew 24:1-35

Understand It

  • What important warning about spiritual deception did Jesus issue? (24:23-26)
  • How will true believers recognize Jesus’ return? (24:27-30)
  • What heavenly signs and aberrations will accompany the return of Christ? (24:29)

Apply It

  • What step can you take this week to guard yourself from false teaching?

The Day and Hour Unknown - Matthew 24:36-51

Understand It

  • To what did Jesus liken His coming? Why? (24:43-44)
  • What qualities did Jesus say His servants will need to be ready for His coming? (24:45-47)
  • What did Jesus warn would happen to those who doubt His coming? (24:48-51)

Apply It

  • How can you use your time today to honor the Lord’s imminent return?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Matthew 25-27

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