September 21


Day 83: Revelation 7:1-8:5

By Ron

September 21, 2024

90-Days, New Testament, Revelation

144,000 Sealed - Revelation 7:1-8

Understand It

  • What did the angel from the east have in his possession? (7:2)
  • When were the angels given permission to "harm the land and the sea"? (7:3)
  • What people were marked? How? (7:4)

Apply It

  • How do you need to alter your routine to reflect the fact that God owns every area of your life?

The Great Multitude in White Robes - Revelation 7:9-17

Understand It

  • How did the elder explain the identity of those wearing the white robes? (7:14)
  • What is the main job of the believers who come out of the great tribulation? (7:15)
  • What blessings await those who are martyred in the great tribulation? (7:16-17)

Apply It

  • What step can you take this week to praise and thank God more consistently?

The Seventh Seal and the Golden Censer - Revelation 8:1-5

Understand It

  • What happened in heaven upon the opening of the seventh seal? (8:1)
  • What was the angel at the altar assigned to do? (8:3)
  • What did John see going up before God? (8:4)

Apply It

  • When could you make time this week for silent meditation on God’s Word and on what God has done for you?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at

Tomorrow: Revelation 8:6-10:11

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