September 26


Day 88: Revelation 17-18

By Ron

September 26, 2024

90-Days, New Testament, Revelation

The Woman on the Beast - Revelation 17:1-18

Understand It

  • Why will people all over the world be astonished at the beast? (17:8)
  • How did the angel explain the seven heads of the beast? (17:9-11)
  • What action will the ten kings take and what will be the result? (17:13-14)

Apply It

  • What can you use to remind yourself each day this week of God’s rule and superiority over all evil in the world?

The Fall of Babylon - Revelation 18:1-24

Understand It

  • How will the fall of Babylon effect rulers and merchants all over the earth? (18:9, 11, 15)
  • What will happen to Babylon’s wealth? (18:10-19)
  • Why will the sea captains and sailors be upset over the destruction of Babylon? (18:17-19)

Apply It

  • What is one step you can take today to put things and money in proper perspective?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at

Tomorrow: Revelation 19-20

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