January 9


Day 9: Matthew 25-27

By Ron

January 9, 2025

90-Days, Matthew, New Testament

The Parable of the Ten Virgins - Matthew 25:1-13

Understand It

  • How did the wise virgins respond when asked to help the ones who weren’t prepared? (25:9)
  • How did the bridegroom respond when some virgins wanted to come to the wedding late? (25:12)
  • With what warning did Jesus conclude this parable? Why? (25:13)

Apply It

  • What spiritual preparation do you need to make today in order to "keep watch"?

The Parable of the Talents - Matthew 25:14-30

Understand It

  • How did the master react to the report of the first servant? (25:20-21)
  • What was the response to the report of the second servant? (25:22-23)
  • How did the master respond to the third servant’s explanation? (25:26-27)

Apply It

  • What resource do you need to commit to Christ’s use at this time in your life?

The Sheep and the Goats - Matthew 25:31-46

Understand It

  • What will Jesus say to those on His right? (25:34-36)
  • How will the "sheep" respond to Jesus’ words on that day? (25:37-39)
  • What criterion will Christ use to judge people? (25:40)

Apply It

  • What act of kindness or mercy toward the needy can you do today?

The Plot Against Jesus - Matthew 26:1-5

Understand It

  • What group got together in secret? Why? (26:3-4)
  • Whom did the religious leaders plan to arrest? Why? (26:4-5)
  • When did the religious leaders not want to carry out their plan? (26:5)

Apply It

  • What uncertain situation will you entrust to God today?

Jesus Anointed at Bethany - Matthew 26:6-13

Understand It

  • What did the woman do with her perfume? (26:7)
  • How did the disciples react to the sacrifice they witnessed? (26:8)
  • How did Jesus respond to the disciples’ indignation and muttering? (26:10)

Apply It

  • What act of costly service can you give to Christ this week?

Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus - Matthew 26:14-16

Understand It

  • With what group did Judas meet? Why? (26:14-15)
  • What did Judas get for betraying Jesus? (26:15)
  • How did Judas spend his last days with Jesus? (26:16)

Apply It

  • In what area of life this week can you make your deeds more closely match your stated loyalty to Jesus?

The Lord's Supper - Matthew 26:17-30

Understand It

  • What did Jesus say about the bread on the table? (26:26)
  • What remarks did Jesus make about the wine they were drinking? (26:27-28)
  • When did Jesus say He would eat with His disciples again? (26:29)

Apply It

  • What do you want to change about the way you participate in the Lord’s Supper the next time it is celebrated at church?

Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial - Matthew 26:31-35

Understand It

  • What prediction about His followers did Jesus make on the Mount of Olives? (26:31)
  • How did Peter respond to Jesus’ statement that all the disciples would abandon Him? (26:33)
  • How did the rest of the disciples react to these depressing comments by Christ? (26:35)

Apply It

  • What first step in fulfilling your vow to God do you need to take this week?

Gethsemane - Matthew 26:36-46

Understand It

  • Where did Jesus and His companions go together? Why? (26:36)
  • How did Jesus react when He found His disciples sleeping a second time? (26:44)
  • When Jesus finished praying, what did He say to His disciples? (26:45)

Apply It

  • How can you be a better friend today to someone who is going through a difficult situation?

Jesus Arrested - Matthew 26:47-56

Understand It

  • What did one of Jesus’ disciples do in an attempt to protect his master? (26:51)
  • Why didn’t Jesus take advantage of His disciple’s brave attack? (26:54)
  • What happened when it became obvious that Jesus would be arrested? (26:56)

Apply It

  • What can you do today to ensure that you will stand strong the next time your faith is tested?

Before the Sanhedrin - Matthew 26:57-68

Understand It

  • After being arrested, where was Jesus taken? (26:57)
  • Who came forward to testify at this "trial"? (26:60)
  • What did one witness claim to have heard Jesus say? (26:61)

Apply It

  • In what situation this week do you need to tell the truth, even if it may cost you?

Peter Disowns Jesus - Matthew 26:69-75

Understand It

  • Who approached Peter? Why? (26:69)
  • How did Peter respond to the servant girl’s question? (26:70)
  • What happened when Peter denied knowing Christ? (26:74-75)

Apply It

  • To what person should you demonstrate your loyalty this week? How?

Judas Hangs Himself - Matthew 27:1-10

  • How did Judas feel when he saw that Jesus had been condemned to die? (27:3)
  • What action did Judas take in an attempt to undo his crime? (27:3)
  • How did the religious leaders act when they heard Judas express second thoughts? (27:4)

Apply It

  • What big decision do you need to pray about this week so that you do not end up making a choice you will later regret?

Jesus Before Pilate - Matthew 27:11-26

Understand It

  • What did the crowd ask Pilate to do to Christ? (27:22)
  • How did Pilate attempt to evade any responsibility in the condemnation of Jesus? (27:24)
  • What happened to the two prisoners—Barabbas and Jesus? (27:26)

Apply It

  • What decision do you need to make today and then take responsibility for?

The Soldiers Mock Jesus - Matthew 27:27-31

Understand It

  • Who took charge of the flogging and crucifixion of Jesus? (27:26-27)
  • Where did the guards take Jesus? Why? (27:27-28)
  • Once they had Jesus inside, what did the guards do? (27:27-31)

Apply It

  • In what way can you be a peacemaker this week at home, at work, or among your neighbors?

The Crucifixion - Matthew 27:32-44

Understand It

  • What did onlookers shout at Jesus? (27:39-40)
  • What was the behavior of the religious leaders like as they watched Jesus die? (27:41-43)
  • How did the robbers act toward Jesus? (27:44)

Apply It

  • In what way can you show your gratitude to Jesus today in light of all He suffered for you?

The Death of Jesus - Matthew 27:45-56

Understand It

  • What did Jesus cry out at the ninth hour? Why? (27:46)
  • What did Jesus’ last words mean? (27:46)
  • How did a Roman centurion react to the way Jesus died? (27:54)

Apply It

  • What steps can you take this week to allow the profound truth of this passage to sink in?

The Burial of Jesus - Matthew 27:57-61

Understand It

  • What kind of help did Jesus receive at His death? (27:57-58)
  • What did Joseph do with Jesus’ body? (27:59-60)
  • Who watched Joseph bury Jesus? (27:61)

Apply It

  • What gift (of time, money, effort, possession, etc.) can you give this week out of love and devotion to God?

The Guard at the Tomb - Matthew 27:62-66

Understand It

  • Who went to Pilate the day after Christ was buried? Why? (27:62-63)
  • For how long did the religious leaders want help from Pilate? Why? (27:64)
  • What did the religious leaders do to secure the tomb where Jesus was buried? (27:65-66)

Apply It

  • What truth do you need to face today?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Matthew 28, Mark 1-2 

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