Ephesians 4-6
What I Noticed Today (Ephesians 4-6)
In Ephesians 4-6, Paul shifts his focus from doctrinal issues to practical application, how the believer must live (or “walk”).
Ephesians 4
In verses 1-6, Paul exhorts believers to walk together in a manner worthy of their calling: with all humility, gentleness, patience, accepting one another in love, diligently keeping the unity of the Spirit.
- There is one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father who is above all.
Note: The first three: humility, gentleness, and patience, are virtues that contribute to the believer’s walk. Humility was considered a vice in Greek culture to be practiced only by slaves.
In verses 7-16, Paul discusses how the use of various gifts within the body can preserve unity:
- Paul quotes Psalm 68:18, noting that God gives grace to each believer in the form of a gift.
- The gifts to the church are people with talents to serve the church in a variety of ways: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
- The purpose of these gifts is to build up the body until we 1) reach unity in the faith and full knowledge of God, 2) grow spiritually mature, and 3) become more like Christ.
- Then we will be stable, not tossed about by other teachings, cleverness, and deceit.
- Speaking the truth in love will build the body up as we support each other, and each person uses their gifts in the body.
In verses 17-32, having dealt with the issue of unity, Paul now discusses the importance of being holy. He does this through two lists; how not to live, then how to live as a Christian.
How not to live—The Old Life:
- Do not walk as the Gentiles do in the futility of their thinking. They are separated from life with God because of their ignorance and hardness of their hearts.
- They (Gentiles) are callous and gave themselves over to promiscuity (sensuality), impurity, and greed.
How to Live—The New Life
- Believers no longer live darkened lives apart from God.
- The believer has put off the old self and put on the new self. The one created according to God’s righteousness and truth.
In verses 25-32, Paul expands on appropriate conduct for believers in a series of five exhortations, each of which includes a negative command, a positive command, and a spiritual principle for the command.
- Stop lying. Tell the truth because we are each members of Christ’s body.
- Do not let the sun go down on your anger. Be angry but do not sin because the devil will gain a foothold in your anger.
- Do not steal. But do honest work so that you will be able to give to those in need.
- Do not speak with foul language. But speak in a way that builds up those in need so that it gives grace to those who hear.
- Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. Do away with vices (bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander, and malice). Rather, be kind, compassionate, and forgiving just as God forgave you in Christ.
Ephesians 5
Paul’s applications in Ephesians 4 covered the believers walking in unity and holiness. In Ephesians 5, Paul considers the third application; believers should walk in love.
In verses 1-5, believers should be imitators of God because you are children of God:
- Walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself up to the cross for us.
- Avoid sexual immorality, impurity, and greed.
- Avoid coarse and foolish talk and crude jokes. These are not suitable in the believer’s life, but thanksgiving is helpful.
Note: Paul is not suggesting that humor in and of itself is a sin but that such coarse language used to tear down or destroy others in to be avoided.
In verses 6-14, Paul exhorts believers not to be deceived by those with empty arguments because God’s wrath is coming against them.
- Do not become partners with these deceivers.
- You are no longer walking in darkness but in the light of the Lord.
- The fruit of the light is goodness, righteousness, and truth. These things please the Lord.
- Do not even participate in the fruitless work of those who walk in darkness. Instead, expose them.
Paul closes this section telling believers who have partnered with deceivers to wake up and rise from the dead and walk in the light.
Note: Verses 6-14 involve church discipline. Believers should expose other believers who walk in unfruitful ways so they might be brought back into the light.
In verses 15-21, Paul begins his fifth section on how to “walk” as believers. This fifth section is focused on walking with the Holy Spirit.
- Don’t walk as the unwise but as the wise, making the most of time.
- Don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.
- Don’t get drunk with wine which leads to recklessness but be filled with the Holy Spirit.
- Speak to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.
- Sing and make music to the Lord.
- Give thanks for everything always to God the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Submit to one another (willingly serve one another) in fear of Christ.
In verses 22-32, Paul gives specific commands to wives and husbands regarding how to walk as believers:
- Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord because the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church.
- Husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church and died for her.
Note: The word used for “love” is agapao. It is the strongest, most selfless kind of love. It is the same word used of Christ’s love for the church.
- Husbands love your wives as you do your own bodies. Provide and care for her just as you do for your own body and just as Christ did for the church.
- Paul quotes Genesis 2:24 to describe the union of two into one flesh in the marriage. The bond between husband and wife is greater than the bond between parent and child.
Note: Paul’s reference to “one flesh” in verse 31 also applies to the unity between Christ and the church.
Ephesians 6
Paul continues with instructions for believers living a Holy Spirit-filled life.
In verses 1-4, Paul discusses the relationship between parents and children.
- Children are to obey their parents in the Lord (meaning as you would obey the Lord). This commandment comes with a promise that it will go well with you, and you will have a long life.
- Fathers, do not stir up anger in your children but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Note: Children are to “obey in the Lord,” and parents are to “instruct in the Lord.”
In verses 5-9, Paul discusses the relationship between Christian slaves and their masters.
- Slaves, obey your human masters as you would the Lord (with fear, respect, and in sincerity).
- Work hard all the time, not just when you are being watched.
- Serve with a good attitude as you would serve the Lord.
- The Lord will reward you for this kind of service to your masters.
- Masters, treat your slaves in the same way (to please the Lord), remembering that your master is Christ in heaven.
In verses 10-20, Paul concludes with a discussion of how the believer can use God’s power to stand against evil.
- Paul exhorts believers to be strong in the Lord and rely on Him.
- Put on the whole armor of God so you can stand against the devil.
- Truth, like a belt around your waist.
- Righteousness, like armor on your chest.
- Sandals on your feet, like the Gospel of Peace.
- Shield of faith to protect yourself from the devil.
- Take the helmet of salvation.
- Take the sword of the spirit, which is God’s word.
Note: Verses 14-20 are another long sentence in Greek. It is the eighth in the book of Ephesians.
Pray in the Spirit at all times and be alert to persevere and intercede for the saints. Pray also for me (Paul) that I may be able to spread the Gospel boldly.
In verses 21-24, Paul closes the letter saying that Tychicus, as the bearer of the letter will tell you Ephesians all the news about me, to encourage them. Paul wishes them peace and faith with love from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Some thoughts for further consideration:
- I can’t help but wonder what would be different in today’s society if we applied the practical application of doctrine that Paul espouses for the believer.
- Could we put off the old self and put on the new in a way that would be a testimony to Christ’s light shining in us?
- Could we walk in unity, in love, and live a spirit-filled life?
- Could we put on the whole armor of God and stand strong against Satan and his minions?
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