September 14


Ezekiel 46-48

By Ron

September 14, 2024

Ezekiel, Gen-Rev

What I Noticed Today (Ezekiel 46-48)

Ezekiel 46

In verses 1-10, the Lord gave Ezekiel instructions for the daily worship in the temple. The east gate was to be closed 6 days and only opened on the Sabbath, and on the day of each New Moon. The prince will stand by the gate while the sacrifice is offered on behalf of the people. The burnt offering was to be 6 lambs and a ram without blemish. The grain offering was an ephah (3/5 bushel), with a hin (1 gallon) of oil. The offering on each New Moon was the same.

People who come to worship must exit on the opposite side as where they entered. If they enter on the north, they exit on the south. If they enter on the south, they exit on the north.

In verses 11-15, if the prince wishes to offer a freewill offering, the east gate will be opened for him, the offering will be made for him as on the Sabbath and when he leaves the east gate will be closed.

In verses 16-18, if the prince gives a gift to his sons it will be theirs. But, if the prince gives a gift to a servant it will be theirs until the year of liberty (jubilee) when it would revert back to the prince. This way the land would remain with the families as the Lord originally prescribed.

Note: The year of Jubilee (or liberty) came every 50 years (Leviticus 25:10-13).

In verses 19-24, the angel led Ezekiel through the temple kitchens where the sacrifices were to be prepared. The inner kitchens were where the priests prepared sacrifices for the Lord. In the outer court, there were kitchens where sacrifices were prepared for the people.

Ezekiel 47

In verses 1-6a, the angel led Ezekiel to the inner courtyard of the temple where water was coming out from under the threshold running eastward past the altar and flowing through the area of the south side. The angel led Ezekiel into the river and at 1,000 cubits (1,750 feet) it was ankle deep, another 1,000 cubits out it was knee deep, another 1,000 cubits out it was waist deep, another 1,000 cubits out and it was deep enough to swim in.

In verses 6b -12, the angel led Ezekiel back to the bank of the river where he saw many trees on both sides of the river. The angel explained the river ran toward the east to the Arabah (Jordan Valley) where it will enter the Sea of Galilee and on to the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea will be made fresh but the lowlands of salty marches will remain salty. Wherever this river goes, the fish will be plentiful and the trees will provide much fruit year-round and provide healing leaves.

In verses 13-21, Ezekiel is given the boundaries of the land to be assigned to the tribes. Those who are sojourners (non-Israelites) who live in the land will receive the same blessings as the Israelites including an inheritance in the land.

Ezekiel 48

In verses 1-7, God assigns land as an inheritance to the northern tribes of Dan, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Ephraim, Reuben, and Judah.

In verses 8-22, God assigns land as an inheritance of the central area to the prince, priests, and Levites. This includes the area of Jerusalem and all the pasturelands surrounding the city.

In verses 23-29, God assigns land as an inheritance to the southern tribes of Benjamin, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulun, and Gad.

Note: These assignments are different than the assignments given when the tribes entered the Promised Land (Joshua 13-19). Tribes that originated from the children of Jacob’s handmaidens Bilhah and Zilpah were given the outer lands. Tribes that originated from the children of Jacob’s wives Rachael and Leah were given land in the center of the nation. Judah and Benjamin will have the most prestigious land at the center closest to the Holy City.

In verses 30-35, Ezekiel was given the description of all the gates to enter and exit the city. There are three gates on each side, 12 in total. The gates on the north side will be named for Reuben, Judah, and Levi. The east side gates will be named for Joseph, Benjamin, and Dan. The south side gates will be named for Simeon, Issachar, and Zebulun. The west side gates will be named for Gad, Asher, and Naphtali. The circumference of the city will be 18,000 cubits.

The name of the city forevermore will be, “The Lord is There.”

What did you notice in your study today? Feel free to visit the website and leave a question or a comment.

All the notes for the book of Ezekiel have been compiled into a single pdf document. You can download it by clicking here.

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Tomorrow: Daniel 1-3

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