Introduction to Daniel


The book of Daniel derives its name from its author and the central character in the book. The name "Daniel" means "God Judges" or "God's Judge."


Daniel is the generally accepted author of the book of Daniel. He claimed authorship of visions from God in Daniel 8:2, 9:2, 9:20, and 12:5. Jesus attributed authorship to Daniel in Matthew 24:15 and 13:14.



Literary Form

Apocalyptic Prose, Prophecy, and History

Time Frame

Daniel was taken into captivity during the reign of King Jehoiakim (605-604 B.C.) and wrote about events that occurred through about 536 B.C. His role as a government official ended during the first year of King Cyrus, and his prophetic ministry ended during the third year of King Cyrus or about 532 -530 B.C.  Assuming David was a teenager when he was exiled to Babylon, he would have been 85-90 years old by the time the book of Daniel was completed. Most scholars accept dating for the book of 530 B.C.


While Daniel certainly provided an excellent example of how the exiled Israelites should live among the Babylonians, the book's emphasis is on God's sovereignty:
  1. God raises up and puts down Gentile kings and nations to fulfill His greater purpose.
  2. God demonstrates His faithfulness to His people with whom He has established a covenant promise.
  3. Prophecies given to Daniel indicate what will happen to the Israelites during the "Time of the Gentiles" (Luke 21:24) leading up to the Tribulation.
  4. Prophecies are given to Daniel that depict Israel's future deliverance and the ultimate blessings of being restored to their land and in relationship to God during Christ's Millennial reign.


Daniel's book has sections written in Hebrew and Aramaic: Daniel 1:1-2:3 is Hebrew,  Daniel 2:4-7:28 is Aramaic, and Daniel 8:1-12:13 is Hebrew. Note that the sections of the book primarily directed to the Hebrews are written in Hebrew, while the sections directed to the Gentile nations are written in Aramaic (the international language of the time).


There are three main sections to the book of Daniel.
  1. Daniel's personal history (Daniel 1:1-1:21)
  2. God's sovereignty over the Gentile nations (Daniel 2:1-7:28)
  3. God's sovereignty over Israel (Daniel 8:1-12:13)

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