There is a short introduction available for the book of 1 John. You can read it here.
The Word of Life - 1 John 1:1-4
Understand It
- What was from the beginning? (1:1)
- What contact did the writer and this community of believers have with the Word of life? (1:1)
- How did God reveal Himself to us? (1:2)
- What was being proclaimed by this community of believers? (1:2)
- Where had the eternal life been, and to whom had it appeared? (1:2)
- Why were the author and his fellow believers telling others about Christ? (1:3)
- With whom did this community of believers have fellowship? (1:3)
- Why was this letter written? (1:4)
Apply It
- What can you do to gain a better appreciation of the historical foundation of your faith in Christ?
- What specific steps will you take this week in order to deepen your fellowship with other believers?
Walking in the Light - 1 John 1:5-2:14
Understand It
- What message did the writer hear and declare? (1:5)
- What inconsistency did John address? (1:6)
- What results from "walking in the light"? (1:7)
- How were some believers apparently deceiving themselves? (1:8)
- What is the result of confessing one’s sins? (1:9)
- In what way can a person make God out to be a liar? (1:10)
- Why did John write this letter? (2:1)
- For whom is Jesus an atoning sacrifice? (2:2)
- What test did John describe for knowing whether or not a person truly knows God? (2:3-6)
- What did John say he was giving to his readers? (2:7-8)
- How are claiming to be a Christian and loving one’s fellow Christians related? (2:9-11)
- Why did John write to "the dear children"? (2:12-13)
- Why did John write to "the fathers"? (2:13-14)
- Why did John write to "the young men"? (2:13-14)
Apply It
- What steps will you take this week to walk in the light?
- What will you do to incorporate the confession of sins into your daily routine?