November 8


New Testament in a Year – 1 Peter 2

By Ron

November 8, 2024

1 Peter, New Testament

The Living Stone and a Chosen People - 1 Peter 2:4-12

Understand It

  • How did God and people treat the living Stone (Christ) differently? (2:4)
  • In what way are we like living stones? (2:5)
  • What will happen to those who trust in the "Cornerstone"? (2:6)
  • How was Christ treated differently by believers and unbelievers? (2:7)
  • In what way did the "Stone" (Christ) cause some people to stumble? (2:8)
  • What status did Peter ascribe to believers in Christ? (2:9)
  • How does our past compare with our present condition? (2:10)
  • From what did Peter urge his readers to abstain? Why? (2:11)
  • Why is it important for believers to live good lives? (2:12)

Apply It

  • From what specific sinful desires will you ask God to help you abstain this week?
  • What good deeds can you use as a witness to your neighbors?
  • How do you need to change your plans for the near future so that you will be an example to the unbelievers with whom you have regular contact?

Submission to Rulers and Masters - 1 Peter 2:13-25

Understand It

  • To whom did Peter urge his readers to submit themselves? Why? (2:13-14)
  • Why does God allow government? (2:14)
  • What effect does obedience to government have on many people? (2:15)
  • What did Peter tell his readers not to do with their freedom? (2:16)
  • What role does respect play in our interactions with authority? (2:17)
  • To whom did Peter encourage his readers to submit? Why? (2:18-19)
  • What commendable act is unique among Christians? (2:19)
  • How did Peter contrast just with unjust suffering? (2:20)
  • To what were the readers of this letter called? (2:21)
  • What did Christ leave us? Why? (2:21)
  • What does Isaiah 53:9 say about Christ? (2:22)
  • How did Christ deal with His suffering? (2:22-23)
  • Why did Christ bear our sins? (2:24)
  • What animal are we like? How? (2:25)

Apply It

  • To what authority (person or institution) will you ask God to help you submit today?
  • In what situation can you follow Christ’s example of suffering without retaliating?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at

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